Successful Authorization

During an authorization request, if the validations pass successfully, then the authorization server sends a response with an access token.

When the authorization server handles the request from the client, the following occur:
  • Validation of the client assertion, also ensuring that the client is authorized to make the request. This is done by using the client certificate that was imported when the client was registered with the authorization server.

  • Validation of the user, also ensuring that the user is authorized to make the request. Either the user’s credentials or the user assertion is validated.

  • Validation of the audience claim in the client profile in the OAuth service (information stored when the client is registered) against the scope in the incoming access token request.

Access Token in the Response

If the validations pass successfully, the authorization server sends a response with an access token.

In the body of the response, a JSON (or XML or other) object is included, representing the response, as shown in the following example:

The fields that are a part of the response are:

  • expires_in: An optional and recommended parameter that specifies the lifetime of the access token in seconds. In the prior example, the access token is valid for 1 hour (or 3600 seconds).

  • token_type: A mandatory parameter that specifies the type of token that’s returned in the response. In the prior example, the token_type is Bearer

  • access_token: A mandatory parameter that has the actual access token as its value. This is the access token, in JSON web token (JWT) format, that the client application may store and use later. The token can be decoded to see the various claims in the access token response.

An example of a decoded JWT:

 alg: "RS256",
 typ: "JWT",
 x5t: "Wwrepu2dasaIpGR-AlVpHkUB6Jg",
 kid: "OAuthTestTenant125.cert"
 sub: "tenantAdminUser",
 oracle.oauth.user_origin_id_type: "LDAP_UID",
 oracle.oauth.user_origin_id: "tenantAdminUser",
 iss: "OAuthTestTenant125",
 oracle.oauth.svc_p_n: "OAuthTestTenant125ServiceProfile",
 iat: 1425424318000,
 oracle.oauth.prn.id_type: "LDAP_UID",
 oracle.oauth.tk_context: "resource_access_tk",
 exp: 1425427918000,
 aud: [
 prn: "tenantAdminUser",
 jti: "d385cc71-8f18-46a5-9ae4-6ab6f085badb",
 oracle.oauth.client_origin_id: "303a2492-d64f-4e04-b78f-b4330047312b",
 oracle.oauth.scope: "", "OAuthTestTenant125",
 oracle.oauth.id_d_id: "13463675138302566"

Claims in the Access Token

An access token has a header, and standard and custom claims.

Claim Name Type Description Sample
alg Header The algorithm used to sign the token. RS256
typ Header The classification type of the token. The default value is JWT. This indicates that this is a JSON web token (JWT). JWT
x5t Header The X.509 certificate thumbprint (x5t) header parameter provides a base64url-encoded SHA-256 thumbprint of the DER encoding of an X.509 certificate that can be used to match a certificate. _hVX9pXq7pUxkk5ry-8vK8qb8L8
kid Header The key ID (kid) header parameter is a hint indicating which specific key owned by the signer should be used to validate the signature. This allows signers to signal a change of the key to recipients explicitly. Omitting this parameter is equivalent to setting it to an empty string. The interpretation of the contents of the kid parameter is unspecified. oauth_psrtenantx3.cert
sub Standard Claim The subject (sub) claim identifies the principal that’s the subject of the JWT.
prn Standard Claim The principal (prn) claim identifies the principal that is the subject of the JWT.
iss Standard Claim The issuer (iss) claim identifies the principal that supplied the JWT. oauth_psrtenantx3
iat Standard Claim The issued at (iat) claim identifies the time at which the JWT was supplied. 1429128747000
exp Standard Claim The expiration time (exp) claim identifies the expiration time on or after which the JWT must not be accepted for processing. 1429128747000
aud Standard Claim The audience (aud) claim identifies the recipients for which the JWT is intended. (a list of audiences)
jti Standard Claim The JWT ID (jti) claim provides a unique identifier for the JWT. 0565e04e-3823-404f-b950-e970ea17f41f
oracle.oauth.svc_p_n Custom Claim IDM OAuth service profile name. oauth_psrtenantx3ServiceProfile
oracle.oauth.prn.id_type Custom Claim Principal ID type. For user assertion, the value is always LDAP_UID. LDAP_UID
oracle.oauth.sub.id_type Custom Claim Subject ID type. For user assertion, the value is always LDAP_UID. LDAP_UID
oracle.oauth.id_d_id Custom Claim IDM OAuth server domain ID. 20625897169639935
oracle.oauth.client_origin_id Custom Claim Subject ID for client used when user assertion is generated. 4457b326-fe88-4851-baad-b9488895e808 Custom Claim User tenancy for the OAuth token generated by IDM OAuth server. oauth_psrtenantx3