Using REST API Calls for the User Assertion Grant

In the user assertion flow, the user provides the user assertion to obtain an access token from the OAuth Service. In addition to the user assertion, the client provides an Authorization header, a self-signed client assertion, or a third-party generated client assertion in the access token request.

The table displays the different options to obtain an access token.

Task Description Additional Information

Obtain an access token by using a self-signed user assertion and the client credentials.

The OAuth client can request an access token by providing a self-signed user assertion and the client credentials.

Obtaining an Access Token by Using a Self-Signed User Assertion and the Client Credentials

Obtain an access token by using a self-signed user assertion and a client assertion.

The OAuth client can request an access token by providing a self-signed user assertion and a client assertion.

Obtaining an Access Token by Using a Self-Signed User Assertion and a Client Assertion