
Calls to the Oracle Cloud My Services API require basic authentication (user name and password).

You access the Oracle Cloud service REST resources over HTTPS and must provide the following information for authentication:

  • User name and password for your Oracle Cloud service account.

  • Custom header, X-ID-TENANT-NAME, to identify the identity domain ID.

For example, to authenticate using cURL:

  • Use the -u cURL option to pass the user name for your Oracle Cloud Service account. For example,

  • Use the -H cURL option to pass the X-ID-TENANT-NAME custom header.

Here is an example of a cURL command for retrieving details about an account promotion:

curl -i -X GET -u -H "X-ID-TENANT-NAME:myDomain"

You'll be prompted to enter the password for the specified user. Enter the password for your Oracle Cloud Service account.