Requesting a Service Limit Change

You can use My Oracle Support to file a service request for increasing or decreasing your service limits. Please note that the service limits are changed only after they are approved. Approval is not immediate and may take a few days to become effective.

To request a service limit increase:
  1. Sign in to with your Oracle Account.
    1. If you are using My Oracle Support, click Switch to Cloud Support at the top of the page to log service requests.
    2. Select the Service Requests tab.
  2. Click Create Service Request.
  3. Click Cloud.
  4. Select the following:
    • Service Type: For example, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Compute Classic.

    • Service Name: Any service instance name associated with the identity domain that you are requesting a limit increase for. For example, iaasmb-a473329 or dbmb-a473380.

    • Problem Type: Select General/Other Questions and then select Request service limit increase.

  5. Enter your contact information.
  6. Provide a description.
  7. Specify the following:
    1. Identity Domain ID: Identity Domain of the service.
    2. Service for which you are requesting the limit increase. For example, Request increase in limit for Compute Classic.
    3. Requested limit increase. For example, Increase the service limit for Compute Capacity to 75 OCPUs and Block Storage to 150 TB.
    4. Reason for the request. Describe what you are trying to accomplish with the increase. For example, The application to be deployed requires more resources than the default Pay-As-You-Go service limits for Compute Classic.

You may also want to decrease your default service limits for some services. Follow the same procedure given above to request a decrease in service limits and select the appropriate problem type.