Backup Configurations REST Endpoints

Backup Configurations
You can schedule backups to be taken automatically at defined intervals. Scheduling a backup creates a snapshot of the specified storage volume and the snapshot is stored in the associated Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage Classic instance.

You can add, delete, update, and retrieve details of backup configurations using the HTTP requests listed below.

These endpoints are not available on Oracle Cloud Machine.

Create a Backup Configuration
Method: post
Path: /backupservice/v1/configuration
Delete a Backup Configuration
Method: delete
Path: /backupservice/v1/configuration/{name}
Retrieve Details of a Backup Configuration
Method: get
Path: /backupservice/v1/configuration/{name}
Retrieve Details of All Backup Configurations
Method: get
Path: /backupservice/v1/configuration
Update a Backup Configuration
Method: put
Path: /backupservice/v1/configuration/{name}