IPAddressAssociations REST Endpoints

The association between an IP address reservation and a virtual NIC.Among all the IP address associations on a single virtual NIC, all the reachable IP address prefixes must be non-overlapping (excluding the 'default' prefix), and at most one IP address pool may have the 'default' reachable IP address prefix.
Create an IP Address Association for IP Networks
Method: post
Path: /network/v1/ipassociation/
Delete an IP Address Association Used in IP Networks
Method: delete
Path: /network/v1/ipassociation/{name}
Retrieve Details of all IP Address Associations in a Container
Method: get
Path: /network/v1/ipassociation/{container}/
Retrieve Details of an IP Address Association Used in IP Networks
Method: get
Path: /network/v1/ipassociation/{name}
Update an IP Address Association Used in IP Networks
Method: put
Path: /network/v1/ipassociation/{name}