SecApplications REST Endpoints

A security application is an IP protocol-to-port mapping that you can use in security rules. In the web UI, security applications are called protocols. Compute Classic provides several predefined security applications. You can also define your own security applications.

You can create, delete, and view security applications using the HTTP requests listed below.

Create a Security Application
Method: post
Path: /secapplication/
Delete a Security Application
Method: delete
Path: /secapplication/{name}
Retrieve Details of a Security Application
Method: get
Path: /secapplication/{name}
Retrieve Details of all Security Applications in a Container
Method: get
Path: /secapplication/{container}/
Retrieve Names of all Security Applications and Subcontainers in a Container
Method: get
Path: /secapplication/{container}
Retrieve Names of Containers
Method: get
Path: /secapplication/