SSHKeys REST Endpoints

To connect to an instance using SSH, you must associate it with one or more SSH public keys. You must first generate the required SSH key pairs, by using a tool such as ssh-keygen, and then upload the public keys to Compute Classic.

You can add, delete, update, and view SSH public keys using the HTTP requests listed below. For instructions to generate SSH key pairs, see Generating an SSH Key Pair in Using Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Compute Classic.

Add an SSH Key
Method: post
Path: /sshkey/
Delete an SSH Key
Method: delete
Path: /sshkey/{name}
Retrieve Details of all SSH Keys in a Container
Method: get
Path: /sshkey/{container}/
Retrieve Details of an SSH Key
Method: get
Path: /sshkey/{name}
Retrieve Names of all SSH Keys and Subcontainers in a Container
Method: get
Path: /sshkey/{container}
Retrieve Names of Containers
Method: get
Path: /sshkey/
Update an SSH Key
Method: put
Path: /sshkey/{name}