StorageAttachments REST Endpoints

A storage attachment is an association between a storage volume and an instance. You can associate a volume to only one instance at a time. You can detach a volume from an instance by deleting the relevant storage attachment.

You can create, delete, and view storage attachments by using the HTTP requests listed below.

Create a Storage Attachment
Method: post
Path: /storage/attachment/
Delete a Storage Attachment
Method: delete
Path: /storage/attachment/{name}
Retrieve Details of a Storage Attachment
Method: get
Path: /storage/attachment/{name}
Retrieve Details of all Storage Attachments in a Container
Method: get
Path: /storage/attachment/{container}/
Retrieve Names of all Storage Attachments and Subcontainers in a Container
Method: get
Path: /storage/attachment/{container}
Retrieve Names of Containers
Method: get
Path: /storage/attachment/