StorageProperties REST Endpoints

Storage properties are used to describe the characteristics of storage pools and are used to determine volume placement within a pool when a volume is created.

You must specify a storage property while creating a storage volume. For storage volumes that require low latency and high IOPS, such as for storing database files, select the /oracle/public/storage/latency storage property. For all other storage volumes, select /oracle/public/storage/default.

You can view storage properties using the HTTP requests listed below.

Retrieve Details of a Storage Property
Method: get
Path: /property/storage/{name}
Retrieve Details of all Storage Properties in a Container
Method: get
Path: /property/storage/{container}/
Retrieve Names of all Storage Properties and Subcontainers in a Container
Method: get
Path: /property/storage/{container}
Retrieve Names of Containers
Method: get
Path: /property/storage/