Delete a Disaster Recovery Protection Group

Learn how to delete a Disaster Recovery (DR) Protection Group.

  1. Open the navigation menu, click Migration & Disaster Recovery.
  2. Click Disaster Recovery or DR protection groups to navigate to the home page.
  3. Change the compartment to the compartment that contains the DR Protection Group to which you want to add members.
    The DR Protection Groups in the selected compartment are listed.
  4. Click the DR protection group you want to delete.
  5. Select Delete from the More Actions menu.
  6. Click Delete to confirm deletion of the DR Protection Group.
    The DR Protection Group moves to a Deleted state and is removed after some time. Once deleted, the DR Protection Group becomes unusable.


To delete a DR Protection Group, you must assign it the role of Not configured (not associated with a peer). You must disassociate a DR Protection Group that is associated with a peer from that peer before you delete it.