Send Requests

Accounts, containers, and objects in an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage Classic instance are represented as REST resources and are accessible through HTTP uniform resource locators (URLs).

REST Endpoint URL Formats in Oracle Cloud Accounts

When you sign in to your Oracle Cloud account, you'll have access to the following types of Cloud accounts:
  • Traditional Cloud accounts (also known as Cloud Service accounts)
  • Cloud accounts with Identity Cloud Service

To know more about the types of Oracle Cloud accounts, see Types of Oracle Cloud Accounts.

The following table describes the REST Endpoint URL formats in Oracle Cloud accounts.

Account Type When Created REST Endpoint URLs

Traditional Account

Before November 2017

REST Endpoint URL Format:

REST Endpoint:

REST Endpoint URL for a sample account:

REST Endpoint:

After November 2017

REST Endpoint URL Format:

REST Endpoint:

REST Endpoint URL (Permanent):

REST Endpoint URL for a sample account:

REST Endpoint:

REST Endpoint URL (Permanent):

Cloud Accounts with Identity Cloud Service

Before November 2017

REST Endpoint URL Format:

REST Endpoint:

REST Endpoint URL for a sample account:

REST Endpoint:

After November 2017

REST Endpoint URL Format:

REST Endpoint:

REST Endpoint URL (Permanent):

REST Endpoint URL for a sample account:

REST Endpoint:

REST Endpoint URL (Permanent):

Finding the REST Endpoint URL for Your Cloud Account

The REST Endpoint URL is also the URL for the account.

To find the REST Endpoint URL of your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage Classic account:

  1. Sign in to the Oracle Cloud My Services application.

    The My Services dashboard is displayed. It lists the services that are assigned to your account.

  2. Look for Storage Classic.
  3. Select View Details from the Actions menu. Alternatively, click the Storage Classic link on the Dashboard page.
    On the resulting page, the details of your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage Classic account are displayed.
    • For accounts created before November 2017

      The URL is displayed in the REST Endpoint field under the Additional Information section.

    • For accounts created after November 2017

      The following REST Endpoint URLs are displayed under the Additional Information section.

REST Endpoint URL Type Description When to Use? Example
Service Permanent REST Endpoint URL This URL is displayed in the REST Endpoint (Permanent) field.

This URL contains the auto-generated GUID for the account and remains constant for your account.

Use this REST Endpoint URL:
  • To set a replication policy for a container in your account.

    See Setting a Container-Specific Replication Policy.

  • To ensure that the URL remains constant under all circumstances.

    For example, you can hard-code the permanent URL in your code scripts to perform any operation on the Storage Classic resources.

Service Friendly REST Endpoint URL This URL is displayed in the REST Endpoint field.


If you change the Storage Classic account name, then the Service Friendly REST Endpoint URL and the authentication URL will also change.

Ensure that you are using the appropriate and latest URL.

Use this URL to perform any operation on the Storage Classic resources through the desired interface.

Obtaining Your Account Information

You'll need your sign-in credentials to access your account and perform any operation using the desired interface.

When you sign up for the account, you'll receive a Welcome mail with your sign-in credentials.

Make a note of your sign-in credentials. If you don't have your Welcome mail, ask your account administrator for your sign-in credentials.


For traditional accounts, you can request Oracle Cloud to send the email to the administrator again. See Resending Welcome Email with Administrator Sign-in Credentials.
Additionally, make a note of the following details of your account from the Welcome email:
Account Type Additional Details Sample Values

Traditional Account

  • Identity domain
  • Account name
  • User name
  • Identity domain: acme
  • Account name: acme
  • User name:

Cloud Accounts with Identity Cloud Service

  • Account name
  • User name
  • IDCS GUID: idcs-b75f75ed2528447fb59a798c1f08a38d
  • Account name: acme
  • User name:

URLs for Containers

Containers are resources within an account.

Given the sample REST API endpoint URLs above, the URL format for a container is accountURL/container.

If you're obtaining your account's REST endpoint URL from the REST Endpoint field in My Services, then an example URL for a container named FirstContainer is:

If you're obtaining your account's REST endpoint URL from the REST Endpoint (Permanent) field in My Services, then an example URL for a container named FirstContainer is:

URLs for Objects

Objects are resources within containers.

Given the sample REST API endpoint URLs above, the URL format for an object is accountURL/container/object.

If you're obtaining your account's REST endpoint URL from the REST Endpoint field in My Services, then an example URL for an object named myObject5 in the myContainer4 container is:

If you're obtaining your account's REST endpoint URL from the REST Endpoint (Permanent) field in My Services, then an example URL for an object named myObject5 in the myContainer4 container is:


These URLs are valid for any object in a Standard or Archive container. To restore an object in an Archive container and to track the progress of the restoration job, the URL for an object named myObject5 in the myArchiveContainer5 container would be Note the v0 API version in the URL.

Supported Methods

You can perform basic CRUD operations (create, read, update, and delete) on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage Classic using standard HTTP method requests, as summarized in the following table.

HTTP Method Description
GET Retrieve information about the account, a container, or an object.
HEAD Retrieve header information about the account, a container, or an object.
POST Create, update, or delete metadata for the account, a container, or an object
PUT Create a container or an object, or replace an object.
DELETE Delete a container or object.

Supported Headers

For a list of the headers that you can pass with a specific HTTP request, see the section that describes that request method.