ToDo List

ToDo List is an example application containing a WebLogic component. For more information and the source code of this application, see the Verrazzano Examples.

Before you begin

  • Set up a multicluster Verrazzano environment following the installation instructions.
  • The example assumes that there is a managed cluster named managed1 associated with the multicluster environment. If your environment does not have a cluster of that name, then you should edit the deployment files and change the cluster name listed in the placement section.
  • To download the example application image, you must first accept the license agreement.
    • In a browser, navigate to and sign in.
    • Search for example-todo and select the image name in the results.
    • Click Continue, then read and accept the license agreement.

NOTE: The ToDo List application deployment files are contained in the Verrazzano project located at <VERRAZZANO_HOME>/examples/multicluster/todo-list, where <VERRAZZANO_HOME> is the root of the Verrazzano project.

Deploy the ToDo List example application

  1. Create a namespace for the multicluster ToDo List example by applying the Verrazzano project file.

    $ kubectl --kubeconfig $KUBECONFIG_ADMIN apply \
  2. Download the mc-docker-registry-secret.yaml file.

    $ wget
  3. Edit the mc-docker-registry-secret.yaml file and replace the <BASE 64 ENCODED DOCKER CONFIG JSON> placeholder with the value generated from the following command.

    $ kubectl --kubeconfig $KUBECONFIG_ADMIN create secret docker-registry temp \
        --dry-run=client \ \
        --docker-username=YOUR_REGISTRY_USERNAME \
        --docker-password=YOUR_REGISTRY_PASSWORD \
        --docker-email=YOUR_REGISTRY_EMAIL \
        -o jsonpath='{.data.\.dockerconfigjson}'; echo

    Replace YOUR_REGISTRY_USERNAME, YOUR_REGISTRY_PASSWORD, and YOUR_REGISTRY_EMAIL with the values you use to access the registry.

  4. Apply the mc-docker-registry-secret.yaml file to create the multicluster secret. The multicluster secret resource will generate the required secret in the mc-todo-list namespace.

    $ kubectl --kubeconfig $KUBECONFIG_ADMIN apply -f mc-docker-registry-secret.yaml
  5. Download the mc-weblogic-domain-secret.yaml and mc-tododb-secret.yaml files.

    $ wget
    $ wget
  6. Edit the mc-weblogic-domain-secret.yaml and mc-tododb-secret.yaml files, replacing the THE_USERNAME and THE_PASSWORD placeholders with the respective WebLogic user name and password.

       username: THE_USERNAME
       password: THE_PASSWORD
  7. Apply the mc-weblogic-domain-secret.yaml and mc-tododb-secret.yaml files. The multicluster secret resource will generate the required secret in the mc-todo-list namespace.

    $ kubectl --kubeconfig $KUBECONFIG_ADMIN apply -f mc-weblogic-domain-secret.yaml
    $ kubectl --kubeconfig $KUBECONFIG_ADMIN apply -f mc-tododb-secret.yaml
  8. Apply the multicluster component and application resources to deploy the ToDo List application.

    $ kubectl --kubeconfig $KUBECONFIG_ADMIN apply \
    $ kubectl --kubeconfig $KUBECONFIG_ADMIN apply \
  9. Wait for the ToDo List example application to be ready. This The tododomain-adminserver pod may take several minutes to be created and Ready.

    $ kubectl --kubeconfig $KUBECONFIG_MANAGED1 wait pod \
        --for=condition=Ready tododomain-adminserver \
        -n mc-todo-list
  10. Get the generated host name for the application.

    $ HOST=$(kubectl --kubeconfig $KUBECONFIG_MANAGED1 get gateway \
          -n mc-todo-list \
          -o jsonpath={.items[0].spec.servers[0].hosts[0]})
    $ echo $HOST
  11. Get the EXTERNAL_IP address of the istio-ingressgateway service.

    $ ADDRESS=$(kubectl --kubeconfig $KUBECONFIG_MANAGED1 get service \
         -n istio-system istio-ingressgateway \
         -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}')
    $ echo $ADDRESS
  12. Access the ToDo List example application:

    • Using the command line

      $ curl -sk https://${HOST}/todo/ \
          --resolve ${HOST}:443:${ADDRESS}

      If you are using, then you do not need to include --resolve.

    • Local testing with a browser

      Temporarily, modify the /etc/hosts file (on Mac or Linux) or c:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts file (on Windows 10), to add an entry mapping the host name to the ingress gateway’s EXTERNAL-IP address. For example:

      Then, you can access the application in a browser at

    • Using your own DNS name

      • Point your own DNS name to the ingress gateway’s EXTERNAL-IP address.
      • In this case, you would need to have edited the todo-list-application.yaml file to use the appropriate value under the hosts section (such as yourhost.your.domain), before deploying the ToDo List application.
      • Then, you can use a browser to access the application at https://<yourhost.your.domain>/todo/.

      Accessing the application in a browser will open a page, “Derek’s ToDo List”, with an edit field and an Add button that lets add tasks.

  13. A variety of endpoints associated with the deployed ToDo List application, are available to further explore the logs, metrics, and such. Accessing them may require the following:

    • Run this command to get the password that was generated for the telemetry components:

      $ kubectl --kubeconfig $KUBECONFIG_ADMIN get secret \
          --namespace verrazzano-system verrazzano -o jsonpath={.data.password} | base64 \
          --decode; echo

      The associated user name is verrazzano.

    • You will have to accept the certificates associated with the endpoints.

    You can retrieve the list of available ingresses with following command:

    $ kubectl --kubeconfig $KUBECONFIG_MANAGED1 get ingress -n verrazzano-system
    NAME                         CLASS    HOSTS                                                     ADDRESS           PORTS     AGE
    verrazzano-ingress           <none>          80, 443   7d2h
    vmi-system-es-ingest         <none>   80, 443   7d2h
    vmi-system-grafana           <none>   80, 443   7d2h
    vmi-system-kibana            <none>   80, 443   7d2h
    vmi-system-prometheus        <none>   80, 443   7d2h

    Using the ingress host information, some of the endpoints available are:

    Description Address Credentials
    Kibana https://[vmi-system-kibana ingress host] verrazzano/telemetry-password
    Grafana https://[vmi-system-grafana ingress host] verrazzano/telemetry-password
    Prometheus https://[vmi-system-prometheus ingress host] verrazzano/telemetry-password


  1. Verify that the application configuration, domain, and ingress trait all exist.

    $ kubectl --kubeconfig $KUBECONFIG_MANAGED1 get ApplicationConfiguration -n mc-todo-list
    NAME           AGE
    todo-appconf   19h
    $ kubectl --kubeconfig $KUBECONFIG_MANAGED1 get Domain -n mc-todo-list
    NAME          AGE
    todo-domain   19h
    $ kubectl --kubeconfig $KUBECONFIG_MANAGED1 get IngressTrait -n mc-todo-list
    NAME                           AGE
    todo-domain-trait-7cbd798c96   19h
  2. Verify that the WebLogic Administration Server and MySQL pods have been created and are running. Note that this will take several minutes.

    $ kubectl --kubeconfig $KUBECONFIG_MANAGED1 get pods -n mc-todo-list
    NAME                     READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    mysql-5c75c8b7f-vlhck    1/1     Running   0          19h
    tododomain-adminserver   2/2     Running   0          19h