Helidon Sock Shop

A Helidon implementation of the Sock Shop Microservices Demo Application

Before you begin

Install Verrazzano by following the installation instructions.

NOTE: The Sock Shop example application deployment files are contained in the Verrazzano project located at <VERRAZZANO_HOME>/examples/sockshop, where <VERRAZZANO_HOME> is the root of the Verrazzano project.

Deploy the Sock Shop application

This example application provides a Helidon implementation of the Sock Shop Microservices Demo Application. It uses OAM resources to define the application deployment.

  1. Create a namespace for the Sock Shop application and add a label identifying the namespace as managed by Verrazzano.

    $ kubectl create namespace sockshop
    $ kubectl label namespace sockshop verrazzano-managed=true
  2. To deploy the application, apply the Sock Shop OAM resources.

    $ kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/verrazzano/verrazzano/v1.0.4/examples/sock-shop/sock-shop-comp.yaml
    $ kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/verrazzano/verrazzano/v1.0.4/examples/sock-shop/sock-shop-app.yaml
  3. Wait for the Sock Shop application to be ready.

    $ kubectl wait \
       --for=condition=Ready pods \
       --all -n sockshop \

Explore the application

The Sock Shop microservices application implements REST API endpoints including:

  • /catalogue - Returns the Sock Shop catalog. This endpoint accepts the GET HTTP request method.
  • /register - POST { "username":"xxx", "password":"***", "email":"foo@example.com", "firstName":"foo", "lastName":"bar" } to create a user. This endpoint accepts the POST HTTP request method.

NOTE: The following instructions assume that you are using a Kubernetes environment, such as OKE. Other environments or deployments may require alternative mechanisms for retrieving addresses, ports, and such.

Follow these steps to test the endpoints:

  1. Get the generated host name for the application.

    $ HOST=$(kubectl get gateway \
         -n sockshop \
         -o jsonpath={.items[0].spec.servers[0].hosts[0]})
    $ echo $HOST
  2. Get the EXTERNAL_IP address of the istio-ingressgateway service.

    $ ADDRESS=$(kubectl get service \
         -n istio-system istio-ingressgateway \
         -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}')
    $ echo $ADDRESS
  3. Access the Sock Shop application:

    • Using the command line

      # Get catalogue
      $ curl -sk \
         -X GET \
         https://${HOST}/catalogue \
         --resolve ${HOST}:443:${ADDRESS}
      [{"count":115,"description":"For all those leg lovers out there....", ...}]
      # Add a new user (replace values of username and password)
      $ curl -i \
         --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
         --request POST \
         --data '{"username":"foo","password":"****","email":"foo@example.com","firstName":"foo","lastName":"foo"}' \
         -k https://${HOST}/register \
         --resolve ${HOST}:443:${ADDRESS}
      # Add an item to the user's cart
      $ curl -i \
         --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
         --request POST \
         --data '{"itemId": "a0a4f044-b040-410d-8ead-4de0446aec7e","unitPrice": "7.99"}' \
         -k https://${HOST}/carts/{username}/items \
         --resolve ${HOST}:443:${ADDRESS}
      # Get cart items
      $ curl -i \
         -k https://${HOST}/carts/{username}/items \
         --resolve ${HOST}:443:${ADDRESS}

      If you are using nip.io, then you do not need to include --resolve.

    • Local testing with a browser

      Temporarily, modify the /etc/hosts file (on Mac or Linux) or c:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts file (on Windows 10), to add an entry mapping the host name to the ingress gateway’s EXTERNAL-IP address. For example: sockshop.example.com

      Then, you can access the application in a browser at https://sockshop.example.com/catalogue.

      If you are using nip.io, then you can access the application in a browser using the HOST variable (for example, https://${HOST}/catalogue). If you are going through a proxy, you may need to add *.nip.io to the NO_PROXY list.

    • Using your own DNS name

      • Point your own DNS name to the ingress gateway’s EXTERNAL-IP address.
      • In this case, you would need to edit the sock-shop-app.yaml file to use the appropriate value under the hosts section (such as yourhost.your.domain), before deploying the Sock Shop application.
      • Then, you can use a browser to access the application at https://<yourhost.your.domain>/catalogue.
  4. A variety of endpoints associated with the deployed application, are available to further explore the logs, metrics, and such.

    Accessing them may require the following:

    • Run this command to get the password that was generated for the telemetry components:

      $ kubectl get secret \
         --namespace verrazzano-system verrazzano \
         -o jsonpath={.data.password} | base64 \
         --decode; echo

      The associated user name is verrazzano.

    • You will have to accept the certificates associated with the endpoints.

      You can retrieve the list of available ingresses with following command:

       $ kubectl get ing -n verrazzano-system
       NAME                         CLASS    HOSTS                                                    ADDRESS          PORTS     AGE
       verrazzano-ingress           <none>   verrazzano.default.          80, 443   7d2h
       vmi-system-es-ingest         <none>   elasticsearch.vmi.system.default.   80, 443   7d2h
       vmi-system-grafana           <none>   grafana.vmi.system.default.   80, 443   7d2h
       vmi-system-kibana            <none>   kibana.vmi.system.default.   80, 443   7d2h
       vmi-system-prometheus        <none>   prometheus.vmi.system.default.   80, 443   7d2h

      Using the ingress host information, some of the endpoints available are:

      Description Address Credentials
      Kibana https://[vmi-system-kibana ingress host] verrazzano/telemetry-password
      Grafana https://[vmi-system-grafana ingress host] verrazzano/telemetry-password
      Prometheus https://[vmi-system-prometheus ingress host] verrazzano/telemetry-password


  1. Verify that the application configuration, component, workload, and ingress trait all exist.

    $ kubectl get ApplicationConfiguration -n sockshop
    $ kubectl get Component -n sockshop
    $ kubectl get VerrazzanoCoherenceWorkload -n sockshop
    $ kubectl get IngressTrait -n sockshop
  2. Verify that the Sock Shop service pods are successfully created and transition to the READY state. Note that this may take a few minutes and that you may see some of the services terminate and restart.

     $ kubectl get pods -n sockshop
     NAME             READY   STATUS        RESTARTS   AGE
     carts-coh-0      1/1     Running       0          41s
     catalog-coh-0    1/1     Running       0          40s
     orders-coh-0     1/1     Running       0          39s
     payment-coh-0    1/1     Running       0          37s
     shipping-coh-0   1/1     Running       0          36s
     users-coh-0      1/1     Running       0          35s