ToDo List

An example application containing a WebLogic component

Before you begin

  • Install Verrazzano by following the installation instructions.
  • To download the example image, you must first accept the license agreement.
    • In a browser, navigate to and sign in.
    • Search for example-todo and weblogic.
    • For each one:
      • Select the image name in the results.
      • From the drop-down menu, select your language and click Continue.
      • Then read and accept the license agreement.

NOTE: The ToDo List example application deployment files are contained in the Verrazzano project located at <VERRAZZANO_HOME>/examples/todo-list, where <VERRAZZANO_HOME> is the root of the Verrazzano project.

All files and paths in this document are relative to <VERRAZZANO_HOME>/examples/todo-list.

Deploy the application

ToDo List is an example application containing a WebLogic component. For more information and the source code of this application, see the Verrazzano Examples.

  1. Create a namespace for the ToDo List example and add a label identifying the namespace as managed by Verrazzano.

    $ kubectl create namespace todo-list
    $ kubectl label namespace todo-list verrazzano-managed=true istio-injection=enabled

  2. Create a docker-registry secret to enable pulling the ToDo List example image from the registry.

    $ kubectl create secret docker-registry tododomain-repo-credentials \
            --docker-username=YOUR_REGISTRY_USERNAME \
            --docker-password=YOUR_REGISTRY_PASSWORD \
            --docker-email=YOUR_REGISTRY_EMAIL \
            -n todo-list

    Replace YOUR_REGISTRY_USERNAME, YOUR_REGISTRY_PASSWORD, and YOUR_REGISTRY_EMAIL with the values you use to access the registry.

  3. Create and label secrets for the WebLogic domain. The password must be at least 8 alphanumeric characters with at least one number or special character.

    # Replace the values of the WLS_USERNAME and WLS_PASSWORD environment variables as appropriate.
    $ export WLS_USERNAME=<username>
    $ export WLS_PASSWORD=<password>
    $ kubectl create secret generic tododomain-weblogic-credentials \
        --from-literal=password=$WLS_PASSWORD \
        --from-literal=username=$WLS_USERNAME \
        -n todo-list
    $ kubectl create secret generic tododomain-jdbc-tododb \
        --from-literal=username=$WLS_USERNAME \
        --from-literal=password=$WLS_PASSWORD \
        -n todo-list
    $ kubectl -n todo-list label secret tododomain-jdbc-tododb weblogic.domainUID=tododomain

    Note that the ToDo List example application is preconfigured to use specific secret names. For the source code of this application, see the Verrazzano Examples.

  4. To deploy the application, apply the example resources.

    $ kubectl apply -f -n todo-list
    $ kubectl apply -f -n todo-list

  5. Wait for the ToDo List application to be ready. You can monitor its progress by listing pods and inspecting the output.

    $ kubectl get pods -n todo-list

    Alternatively, you can use the kubectl wait commands. However, if it is run before the respective pods are created, then the kubectl wait commands may report error: no matching resources found. Specifically, the tododomain-adminserver pod may take a while to be created and Ready, so you may need to repeat the kubectl wait command several times before it is successful.

    $ kubectl wait pod \
         --for=condition=Ready \
         -l \
         -n todo-list \
    $ kubectl wait pod \
         --for=condition=Ready \
         -l weblogic.serverName=AdminServer \
         -n todo-list \

  6. Get the generated host name for the application.

    $ HOST=$(kubectl get \
         -n todo-list \
         -o jsonpath='{.items[0].spec.servers[0].hosts[0]}')
    $ echo $HOST
    # Sample output

  7. Get the EXTERNAL_IP address of the istio-ingressgateway service.

    $ ADDRESS=$(kubectl get service \
         -n istio-system istio-ingressgateway \
         -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}')
    $ echo $ADDRESS
    # Sample output

  8. Access the ToDo List application.

    • Using the command line

        # The expected response of this query is the HTML of a web page
        $ curl -sk \
           https://${HOST}/todo/ \
           --resolve ${HOST}:443:${ADDRESS}

      If you are using, then you do not need to include --resolve.

    • Local testing with a browser

      Temporarily, modify the /etc/hosts file (on Mac or Linux) or c:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts file (on Windows 10), to add an entry mapping the host name to the ingress gateway’s EXTERNAL-IP address. For example:

      Then, you can access the application in a browser at

      • If you are using, then you can access the application in a browser using the HOST variable (for example, https://${HOST}/todo).
      • If you are going through a proxy, then you may need to add * to the NO_PROXY list.
    • Using your own DNS name

      Point your own DNS name to the ingress gateway’s EXTERNAL-IP address.

      • In this case, you would need to have edited the todo-list-application.yaml file to use the appropriate value under the hosts section (such as yourhost.your.domain), before deploying the ToDo List application.

      • Then, you can use a browser to access the application at https://<yourhost.your.domain>/todo/.

        Accessing the application in a browser opens the page, “Derek’s ToDo List”, with an edit field and an Add button that lets you add tasks.

  9. A variety of endpoints associated with the deployed ToDo List application are available to further explore the logs, metrics, and such. You can access them according to the directions here.

Access the WebLogic Server Administration Console

To access the Console from the machine where you are running kubectl:

  1. Set up port forwarding.

    $ kubectl port-forward pods/tododomain-adminserver 7001:7001 -n todo-list

    NOTE: If you are using the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Cloud Shell to run kubectl, in order to access the Console using port forwarding, you will need to run kubectl on another machine.

  2. Access the WebLogic Server Administration Console from your browser.


Verify the deployed application

  1. Verify that the application configuration, domain, and ingress trait all exist.

    $ kubectl get ApplicationConfiguration -n todo-list
    # Sample output
    NAME           AGE
    todo-appconf   19h
    $ kubectl get Domain -n todo-list
    # Sample output
    NAME          AGE
    todo-domain   19h
    $ kubectl get IngressTrait -n todo-list
    # Sample output
    NAME                           AGE
    todo-domain-trait-7cbd798c96   19h

  2. Verify that the WebLogic Administration Server and MySQL pods have been created and are running. Note that this will take several minutes.

    $ kubectl get pods -n todo-list
    # Sample output
    NAME                     READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    mysql-5c75c8b7f-vlhck    2/2     Running   0          19h
    tododomain-adminserver   4/4     Running   0          19h

Undeploy the application

  1. To undeploy the application, delete the ToDo List OAM resources.

    $ kubectl delete -f -n todo-list
    $ kubectl delete -f -n todo-list

  2. Delete the namespace todo-list after the application pods are terminated. The secrets created for the WebLogic domain also will be deleted.

    $ kubectl delete namespace todo-list