Send Requests

Use the following guidelines when sending requests using the REST API for Marketplace Publisher.

URL Structure

Access the Marketplace REST resources using the following URL structure:
  • is

  • resource-path follows the pattern /appstore/marketplace/v1/publisher/resource

Supported Methods

You can perform basic CRUD operations (create, read, update, and delete) on Marketplace Publisher using the following standard HTTP method requests.

HTTP Method Description
GET Retrieve information about the resource
HEAD Retrieve header information about a resource
POST Create a resource
PUT Update a resource
PATCH Perform a non-CRUD action on a resource, such as submit a listing for approval
DELETE Delete a resource

Media Types

The following media types are supported by the REST API:

  • application/json

  • application/xml

  • multipart/form-data

Supported Headers

The Marketplace Publisher REST API supports the following headers, which you can pass in the header section of an HTTP request or response.

Header Description Example
Content-Type Media type of the body of the request. Required for POST and PUT requests. Content-Type: application/json, application/xml, multipart/form-data
X-Oracle-UserId Email address of the Partner user. This user should be configured for the Partner account.
Authorization Base64 encoded value of the client ID and secret key. Basic MTM0YWExZjMtNDBlYy00MTIwLWE4OTgtMjYxNzYxM2U4ODI4OndKdVJORlFYVW5mVE9BZ25Kdlk5