Metadata Resources REST Endpoints

Metadata Resources
The operations from the Metadata Resources category.
List of Artifact regions
Method: get
Path: /appstore/publisher/v1/artifactregions
List of Artifact statuses
Method: get
Path: /appstore/publisher/v1/artifactstatuses
List of Artifact types
Method: get
Path: /appstore/publisher/v1/artifacttypes
List of available Service types
Method: get
Path: /appstore/publisher/v1/servicetypes
List of configuration values
Method: get
Path: /appstore/publisher/v1/configurations
List of Countries
Method: get
Path: /appstore/publisher/v1/countries
List of DeviceTypes
Method: get
Path: /appstore/publisher/v1/devicetypes
List of employee ranges
Method: get
Path: /appstore/publisher/v1/sizes
List of Industries
Method: get
Path: /appstore/publisher/v1/industries
List of install types
Method: get
Path: /appstore/publisher/v1/installtypes
List of Installation Status
Method: get
Path: /appstore/publisher/v1/installstatuses
List of Languages
Method: get
Path: /appstore/publisher/v1/languages
List of Lead Status
Method: get
Path: /appstore/publisher/v1/leadstatuses
List of Listing types
Method: get
Path: /appstore/publisher/v1/listingtypes
List of Machine Image Upload statuses
Method: get
Path: /appstore/publisher/v1/machineimagestatus
List of Markets
Method: get
Path: /appstore/publisher/v1/markets
List of Package Types
Method: get
Path: /appstore/publisher/v1/packagetypes
List of pre-install notes
Method: get
Path: /appstore/publisher/v1/preinstallnotes
List of Pricing Types
Method: get
Path: /appstore/publisher/v1/pricingtypes
List of Regions
Method: get
Path: /appstore/publisher/v1/regions
List of Related Documents Types
Method: get
Path: /appstore/publisher/v1/relateddoctypes
List of release dates
Method: get
Path: /appstore/publisher/v1/releasedates
List of Supporting Document Types and Templates
Method: get
Path: /appstore/publisher/v1/supportingdoctypes
List of User roles
Method: get
Path: /appstore/publisher/v1/roles