List of Applications



Get the list of all applications for the publisher.


Query Parameters
  • This is one of the filter options. It specifies the application categories for which search has to be done. Categories are dependent on products. Categories can be used for filtering only when the product value is not Null, a multivalued parameter.
  • This is one of the filter options the supported devices, for which search has to be done a multivalued parameter.
  • It accepts three values - desc : If this value is specified, it includes shortDescription and long description in each listing
  • This parameter determines whether the application is installable or not
  • This is one of the filter options the supported languages, for which search has to be done a multivalued parameter.
  • Limit tells how many records to return (starting from the offset). Limit should be greater than zero and less than or equal to 100 (default=30).
  • Offset and limit together determine how many records to return from the collection. Offset is the starting index of the records to return, which should be greater than or equal to zero (default=0).
  • This property sorts the result set. Acceptable values are NAME, LASTUPDATEDATE
  • This is one of the filter options, the pricing mechanism, whether free or paid.
  • The Oracle product with which the applications could be integrated.
  • This is one of the filter options. It determines whether the release date is less than 30, 60 or 90 days.
  • This property specifies the order in which to sort the result set. Acceptable values are ASC and DESC.
  • This parameter determines application status (for example, NEW or PUBLISHED ...etc). Multiple values for this parameter is also supported. Please use comma-separated values when searching for applications corresponding to multiple statuses.
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Successful Operation
Body ()
Root Schema : collection
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : appListingSummary
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : Icon
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : products
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : product
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : categories
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : filters
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : Item
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : ProductFilter
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : values
Type: array
Show Source

400 Response

Invalid Parameter Value/Bad Request

401 Response

Not Authorized

500 Response

System Error
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The following example returns the list of all applications belonging to a partner by submitting a GET request on the REST resource using cURL.

cURL Example

curl -X GET -H "X-Oracle-UserId: partner-email" -H "Authorization: Bearer Access-token" ""

Request Header

Authorization: Bearer Access-token 

Request Body


HTTP Status Code:

200 OK

JSON Response:

    "items": [
            "listingSummary": {
                "name": "QA-18.2.6-v1",
                "listingId": 2829370,
                "listingVersionId": 2829371,
                "pricingType": "Free",
                "shortDescription": "Akeneo is a Product Information Management short description.",
                "tags": "Acme, Product Information Management",
                "tagLine": "Powerful PIM designed to simplify management processes",
                "status": "NEW",
                "icon": {
                    "name": "star.png",
                    "contentURL": "",
                    "mimeType": "image/png",
                    "fileExtension": "png"
                "products": [
                        "code": "marketing",
                        "name": "Marketing Cloud",
                        "categories": [
                                "code": "DATA_SOURCES_AND_QUALITY",
                                "name": "Data Sources and Quality"
                "installable": true,
                "isPrivate": true,
            "listingSummary": {
                "name": "COMPUTE1-Test 371",
                "listingId": 2829265,
                "listingVerAsionId": 2829266,
                "pricingType": "Free",
                "shortDescription": "Ubuntu Server 14.04-LTS (20160222 amd64)",
                "tags": "Ubuntu",
                "tagLine": "Ubuntu Server 14.04-LTS for Oracle Cloud Platform",
                "status": "NEW",
                "products": [
                        "code": "compute",
                        "name": "Compute Classic",
                        "categories": [
                                "code": "VIRTUAL_MACHINES",
                                "name": "Virtual Machines"
                "installable": false,
                "isPrivate": false
    "hasMore": true,
    "count": 2,
    "totalResults": 194,
    "links": [
            "rel": "CANONICAL",
            "href": ""
            "rel": "SELF",
            "href": ""
            "rel": "NEXT",
            "href": ""
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