Create Screenshot



Create screenshots for an application.


Supported Media Types
Path Parameters
Body ()
Provide required information.
Root Schema : FormDataMultiPart
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : bodyParts
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : ContentDisposition
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : entity
Type: object
Nested Schema : fields
Type: object
Additional Properties Allowed
Show Source
Nested Schema : headers
Type: object
Additional Properties Allowed
Show Source
Nested Schema : MediaType
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : parameterizedHeaders
Type: object
Additional Properties Allowed
Show Source
Nested Schema : MultiPart
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : Providers
Type: object
Nested Schema : BodyPart
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : entity
Type: object
Nested Schema : headers
Type: object
Additional Properties Allowed
Show Source
Nested Schema : parameterizedHeaders
Type: object
Additional Properties Allowed
Show Source
Nested Schema : additionalProperties
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : additionalProperties
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : ParameterizedHeader
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : parameters
Type: object
Additional Properties Allowed
Show Source
Nested Schema : parameters
Type: object
Additional Properties Allowed
Show Source
Nested Schema : additionalProperties
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : FormDataBodyPart
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : entity
Type: object
Nested Schema : FormDataContentDisposition
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : headers
Type: object
Additional Properties Allowed
Show Source
Nested Schema : parameterizedHeaders
Type: object
Additional Properties Allowed
Show Source
Nested Schema : parameters
Type: object
Additional Properties Allowed
Show Source
Nested Schema : additionalProperties
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : additionalProperties
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : additionalProperties
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : parameters
Type: object
Additional Properties Allowed
Show Source
Nested Schema : additionalProperties
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : bodyParts
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : entity
Type: object
Nested Schema : headers
Type: object
Additional Properties Allowed
Show Source
Nested Schema : parameterizedHeaders
Type: object
Additional Properties Allowed
Show Source
Nested Schema : additionalProperties
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : additionalProperties
Type: array
Show Source
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Successful Operation
Body ()
Root Schema : collection
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : acknowledgement
Type: object
Show Source

400 Response

Bad Request

401 Response

Not Authorized

404 Response

Entity Not Found

500 Response

System Error
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The following example uploads screenshots and videos for an existing application belonging to a partner, by submitting a POST request on the REST resource using cURL.

cURL Example

curl -X POST -H "X-Oracle-UserId: partner-email" -H "Authorization: Bearer Access-token" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -F "file=@file-path" -F "file=@file-path" -F "json=JSON-data-as-shown-in-following-example"  ""

Request Header

Authorization: Bearer Access-token 

Request Body


    Image: File Upload (screen_shots_1.png)

   "name": "screen_shots_1", 
   "description": " screen_shots_1 create",
   "fileName": " screen_shots_1.png",
   "sourceType": "INTERNAL"
   "name":"Youtube video",
   "description":"Youtube video create",

HTTP Status Code:

200 OK

JSON Response:

  "items": [
      "acknowledgement": {
        "entityId": "8435204",
        "name": "Youtube video"
      "acknowledgement": {
        "entityId": "8435206",
        "name": "sh2"
  "hasMore": false,
  "count": 0,
  "totalResults": 0,
  "links": [
      "rel": "CANONICAL",
      "href": ""
      "rel": "SELF",
      "href": ""
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