App Install Request



Get the list of application install requests for all your published apps.


Query Parameters
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Successful Operation
Body ()
Root Schema : collection
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : installRequest
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : TasErrorHierarchy
Type: object
Show Source

400 Response

Invalid Parameter Value/Bad Request

401 Response

Not Authorized

500 Response

System Error
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The following example gets a list of install requests by a publisher, by submitting a GET request on the REST resource using cURL.

cURL Example

curl -X GET -H "X-Oracle-UserId: partner-email" -H "Authorization: Bearer Access-token" ""

Request Header

Authorization: Bearer Access-token 

Request Body


HTTP Status Code:

200 OK

JSON Response:

    "items": [
      "installRequest": {
         "installtype": "TEST",
                "listingName": "Test_App_17_10_12_try_001",
                "status": "Started",
                "email": "",
                "firstName": "Stephen",
                "lastName": "Cross",
                "oracleTncId": 2526247,
                "partnerTncId": 3200417,
                "requestedDate": "2015-06-08T21:22:41.000Z",
                "companyName": "Marketplace Technologies Bangalore",
                "tasErrorId": 2734888,
                "tasErrorHierarchy": {
                    "type": null,
                    "title": "Unable to connect to Marketplace server to retrive template data",
                    "status": "null",
                    "detail": "Unable to connect to Marketplace server to retrive template data",
                    "instance": null,
                    "errorCode": "InternalError",
                    "errorPath": null,
                    "parentId": null,
                    "id": 2734888,
                    "errorMessage": "We can't complete the provisioning of your app because our system encountered an unexpected error. 
Try again later. If the problem continues, send an email to We'll do our best to help.", "errorKey": "", "errorKeyArg0": "", "errorKeyArg1": null, "errorKeyArg2": null, "errorKeyArg3": null, "errorKeyArg4": null } } } ], "hasMore": true, "count": 1, "totalResults": 11, "links": [ { "rel": "CANONICAL", "href": "" }, { "rel": "SELF", "href": "" }, { "rel": "NEXT", "href": "" } ] }
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