Manage Identity Collections

Oracle Access Governance users can view and manage identity collection from the Oracle Access Governance Console.

View and Manage Identity Collections

You can view existing identity collections and manage the ones that you created.

Follow the steps to navigate to the Identity Collections screen:
  1. Sign in to the Oracle Access Governance Console .
  2. Click the Navigation menu icon, and select Access Controls and then select Identity Collections. The Identity Collections screen is displayed where you can view and manage the existing identity collections.
Here, you can see the count of existing identity collections and the details are listed in the grid that includes:
  • Name: Identity collection name.
  • Status: Active or Draft
  • Owner: Name of the owner who created this identity collection.
  • Last updated: Date on which the identity collection was last modified.
  • Tags: User-defined tags for quick search and easy identification of the identity collection.
Use the Actions menu Actions menu icon to Edit, Delete or View Details of the identity collection.


Users who own the identity collection or authorized users (selected while creating/modifying an identity collection) can edit or delete the identity collection.

Search and Filter Identity Collections

You can use the Search field to locate the required identity collection by its name. You can narrow down the results by applying filters:
  • Updated Last Month: You can view all the identity collections that were updated within the last month.
  • Updated Last Week: You can view all the identity collections that were updated within the last week.
  • Created by Me: You can view the identity collections that you have created.
  • Status Draft: You can view the identity collections that haven't been created and are in the draft state.
  • Status Active: You can view the identity collections that have been created and can be used within Oracle Access Governance.

Edit an Identity Collection

The Edit an Identity Collection page provides the same guided tasks as you see while creating a new identity collection.

Owner of the identity collection and/or authorized users can modify its description, identity type, or added identities.
To do so:
  • Click the menu Actions menu icon corresponding to the identity collection that you want to modify, and then select Edit.

After updating your identity collection details, on the Review and submit step, select Update to update the campaign. Alternatively you can select Back to edit values, or select Cancel to discard your changes.

View Details for an Identity Collection

  • Click the menu Actions menu icon corresponding to the identity collection that you want to view, and then select View Details. You will see the Identity Collections page displaying the details, such as Identities, Identity Type, Created by, and Last updated.
On the left panel, you will see the following details:
  • In the donut chart, you can see the total count of identities, and break up of identities in the collection that are included either through Membership rule or directly through Included named identities.
  • If you have created an identity collection through Membership rule, you can see all the rules that helped to create the collection.
  • If you have excluded an identity in the collection, you can see a list of excluded member(s).
  • If you have created an identity collection directly using named identities, you can see a list included member(s).

On the rest of the page, you will see the identity names and their details in a tile format. You can search an identity using identity name.

Use the Actions menu to either Edit or Delete the identity collection. Owner of the identity collection and/or authorized users can edit or delete the identity collection.

Delete and Identity Collection

You can delete an identity collection as long as it is not associated with any delegation. If you are the owner of the identity collection or you have been given the rights by the identity collection creator, then you can delete the identity collection.

  1. Click the menu Actions menu icon corresponding to the identity collection that you want to delete, and then select Delete.
  2. On the confirmation pop-up, click Delete to remove the identity collection or click Cancel to retain the identity collection.