Integrate with Database User Management (Microsoft SQL Server)


Before you install and configure a Database User Management (Microsoft SQL Server) orchestrated system, you should consider the following pre-requisites and tasks.

Certified Components

The Microsoft SQL Server system can be any one of the following:
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2005, 2008, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2019

Supported Modes

Database User Management (Microsoft SQL Server) orchestrated system supports Managed System mode.

Supported System Operations

The Database User Management (Microsoft SQL Server) orchestrated system supports the following Microsoft SQL Server operations:
  • Create UserName
  • Create UserLogin
  • Change UserLogin password
  • Delete UserLogin
  • Assign Roles to a userName
  • Revoke Roles from a userName

Create a System User Account for Database User Management (MSSQL) System Operations

  1. Verify the following requirements for your Microsoft SQL Server installation before configuring the orchestrated system.
    • The Microsoft SQL Server TCP/IP port is enabled. The default port is 1433.
      To enable the TCP/IP port:
      1. Open the Microsoft SQL Server Configuration Manager.
      2. Click SQL Server Network Configuration.
      3. Click Protocols for MSSQLSERVER.
      4. In the right frame, right-click TCP/IP and then click Enable.
    • Mixed mode authentication is enabled.
    • The TCP/IP port is not blocked by a firewall.
  2. Create Login using the following query:
    Create LOGIN serviceuser with PASSWORD='password' , DEFAULT_DATABASE =DBname
  3. Create a user using the following query:
    USE DBname;
    Create USER serviceuser with LOGIN serviceuser;
  4. Assign the following permissions and roles to the created user:
    ALTER ROLE db_datawriter ADD MEMBER serviceuser;
    ALTER ROLE db_datareader ADD MEMBER serviceuser;
    ALTER ROLE db_accessadmin ADD MEMBER serviceuser;
    ALTER ROLE db_owner ADD MEMBER serviceuser;
    exec sp_addsrvrolemember 'serviceuser', 'securityadmin';


You can establish a connection between Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle Access Governance by entering connection details. To achieve this, use the Orchestrated Systems functionality available in the Oracle Access Governance Console.

Navigate to the Orchestrated Systems Page

Navigate to the Orchestrated Systems page of the Oracle Access Governance Console, by following these steps:
  1. From the Oracle Access Governance navigation menu icon Navigation menu, select Service Administration → Orchestrated Systems.
  2. Click the Add an orchestrated system button to start the workflow.

Select system

On the Select system step of the workflow, you can specify which type of system you would like to onboard.

  1. Select Database User Management (MSSQL).
  2. Click Next.

Enter details

On the Enter Details step of the workflow, enter the details for the orchestrated system:
  1. Enter a name for the system you want to connect to in the What do you want to call this system? field.
  2. Enter a description for the system in the How do you want to describe this system? field.
  3. Determine if this orchestrated system is an authoritative source, and if Oracle Access Governance can manage permissions by setting the following checkboxes.
    • This is the authoritative source for my identities
    • I want to manage permissions for this system
    The default value in each case is Selected.
  4. Click Next.

Account settings

On the Account settings step of the workflow, enter details of how you would like to manage accounts with Oracle Access Governance when configured as a managed system:
  1. Select where to send notification emails when an account is created. The default setting is User. You can select one, both, or none of these options. If you select no options then notifications will not be sent when an account is created.
    • User
    • User manager
  2. When an identity moves within your enterprise, for example when moving from one department to another, you may need to adjust what accounts the identity has access to. In some cases the identity will no longer require certain accounts which are not relevant to their new role in the enterprise. You can select what to do with the account when this happens. Select one of the following options:
    • Disable
    • Delete
  3. When an identity leaves your enterprise you should remove access to their accounts. You can select what to do with the account when this happens. Select one of the following options:
    • Disable
    • Delete


If you do not configure your system as a managed system then this step in the workflow will display but is not enabled. In this case you proceed directly to the Integration settings step of the workflow.


If your orchestrated system requires dynamic schema discovery, as with the Generic REST and Database Application Tables (Oracle) integrations, then only the notification email destination can be set (User, Usermanager) when creating the orchestrated system. You cannot set the disable/delete rules for movers and leavers. To do this you need to create the orchestrated system, and then update the account settings as described in Configure Orchestrated System Account Settings.

Integration settings

On the Integration settings step of the workflow, enter the configuration details required to allow Oracle Access Governance to connect to the Microsoft SQL Server.

  1. In the Easy connect URL for the database field, enter an easy connect URL to connect to the Microsoft SQL Server database, using the following syntax jdbc:sqlserver://[host]:[port];[databaseName];[encrypt];[trustServerCertificate]. For further information, consult the JDBC driver documentation..
  2. In the Username field, enter the administration username you will use to connect to the Microsoft SQL Server database.
  3. Enter the password for the adminstration user in the Password/Confirm password fields.
  4. In the Connection properties field, enter any connection properties that will be used to configure a secure connection. They should be key value pairs in the following format: key1=val1#key2=val2.
  5. The agent for this orchestrated system requires a Microsoft SQL Server driver jar in the classpath. Details of how this is used by the agent can be found in Custom Jar Support. The Microsoft SQL Server jar name and checksum should be in the format of <jarName>::<jarChecksum>.
  6. Update Database inclusion list with one or more database names that data should be included in the dataload.
  7. Update Database exclusion list with one or more database names that data should be excluded from the dataload.
  8. Click Add to create the orchestrated system.

Finish up

On the Finish Up step of the workflow, you are asked to download the agent you will use to interface between Oracle Access Governance and Microsoft SQL Server database. Select the Download link to download the agent zip file to the environment in which the agent will run.

After downloading the agent, follow the instructions explained in the Agent Administration article.

Finally, you are given a choice whether to further configure your orchestrated system before running a data load, or accept the default configuration and initiate a data load. Select one from:
  • Customize before enabling the system for data loads
  • Activate and prepare the data load with the provided defaults

Post Configuration

There are no post configuration steps associated with a Microsoft SQL Server system.