Integrate with Oracle Siebel CRM


Before you install and configure a Oracle Siebel CRM orchestrated system, you should consider the following prerequisites and tasks.

Certified Components

The system can be any one of the following:

  • Siebel CRM 7.5 through Siebel CRM 8.2.2

  • Siebel Innovation Pack 2015

  • Siebel Innovation Pack 2016

  • Siebel Innovation Pack 2017

  • Siebel Innovation Pack 2018

  • Siebel 19.x, 20.x, 23.x

Supported Modes

Oracle Siebel CRM orchestrated system supports the following modes:
  • Authoritative Source
  • Managed System

Supported Operations

The Siebel orchestrated system supports the following operations:
  • Create user
  • Delete user
  • Assign Position
  • Revoke Position
  • Assign Responsibility
  • Revoke Responsibility

Create Siebel User Account


The system user account for connector operations must be created in the LDAP repository. As a security precaution, ensure that this account does not have access to areas protected by Oracle Access Manager.
To create the user account on Siebel, perform the following:
  1. Log in to Siebel.
  2. Click Site Map icon.
  3. Click Administration → User.
  4. Click Employees.
  5. Click New.
    Enter the following details for the account that you are creating:
    • Last Name
    • First Name
    • Job Title
    • User ID
    • Responsibility: Select Siebel Administrator.
    • Position: Select Siebel Administrator.
    • Organization: Select Default Organization.
    • Employee Type
    To create the user account on the Siebel database, perform the following:
    1. Open the Siebel home directory.
    2. Open the dbsrvr directory.
    3. Open one of the following directories:
      • For IBM DB2 UDB: DB2
      • For Microsoft SQL Server: MSSQL
      • For Oracle Database: Oracle

    To open one of the following files in a text editor:

    • For IBM DB2 UDB: grantusrdb2.sql

      For Microsoft SQL Server: addusrmsql.sql

      For Oracle Database: grantusroracle.sql

    In the file that you open:

    • Specify the User ID of the user that you create in Step 1.
    • Set a password for the user.
    • Provide other required details.
    • Run the script.

    Additional Configuration Steps and Guidelines for the Target System

    Siebel needs to be configured to use either a database or an LDAP repository to store user information. If an LDAP repository is used, then you must ensure that the following prerequisites are addressed:

    If Microsoft Active Directory is used as the LDAP repository, then use the ADSI Security Adapter. Ensure that the Propagate Change attribute of the ADSI Security Adapter is set to False on Siebel.

Manually Making Configuration Changes

Perform the followings tasks to manually make the configuration changes:

  1. Log in to Siebel Web Tools.
  2. Create Workspace as follows:
    1. Click Workspace located next to Main.
    2. Click Create.
    3. Enter the name for your Workspace and provide comments.

      The workspace is now available under Main.

  3. Close the window.
  4. Open the newly created workspace and locate the Employee BusComp option as follows.
    1. Under Type, select Expand Business Component.
    2. ClickField.
    3. From the Business Component drop-down, select Name and search for the employee.
    4. In the Fields option, add a new field with the following attributes:
      Attribute Value
      Name User Status
      Join S_USER
      Column STATUS_CD
      Picklist User Status Picklist
      Text Length 30
      Type DTYPE_TEXT
  5. Create a child Pick Map for this field as follows:
    1. Expand the option Field under Business component.
    2. Select Pick Map.
    3. Add the following attributes under Pick Map.
      Attribute Value
      Field User Status
      Picklist Field Value
  6. Navigate to Employee List Applet option as follows.
    1. Expand Applet, and select List.
    2. Under the Applet drop-down list, select Name and search for Employee List.
  7. In the List Column under List, you must add a new list column with the following attributes:
    Attribute Value
    Name User Status
    Field User Status
    Available TRUE
    Display Name – String Reference SBL_USER_STATUS-1004233658-7EI
    Display Name User Status
    HTML Display Mode EncodeData
    HTML List Edit TRUE
    HTML Row Sensitive TRUE
    HTML Type Field
    Runtime TRUE
    Text Alignment Left
    Show in List TRUE
    Text Alignment-Label Left
  8. For the same applet, choose the Edit List Applet Web Template to add the newly created list column to any empty placeholder in the list as follows:
    1. Expand Applet and select Applet Web Template.
    2. Under Applet Web Template, choose an empty place holder in Edit List and select Edit.
    3. Click Controls/Columns, and deselect the option show unmapped controls only and select User Status
  9. Unit test the changes:
    1. Open the Siebel Call Center to Open and Inspect the workspace for ensuring that the newly added column User Status appears in the user interface to change from Active to Inactiveand oppositely.
    2. Change the status to Inactive for different known users.
    3. Log out.
    4. Try to log in as other user.


      This test should fail.
  10. Deliver the workspace.
    1. Log in to Siebel Web Tools.
    2. Click the Workspace dashboard button and click Open.
    3. Click Version to provide the comments and create the version.
    4. Click Submit and submit the delivery.
    5. Click Deliver to provide the comments and deliver the workspace.

Importing SIF File

Importing SIF File option allows a developer to make changes (without the manual modifications described above) by importing an archive file (SIF) containing the repository changes. Importing SIF file helps in enabling the status features.


  • By default, this option is disabled.
  • The steps to import a SIF file must be followed if you are not performing the manual configuration steps provided in Manually Making Configuration Changes section.

Perform the following steps:

  1. In Siebel Web Tools, create a Developer Workspace under a upcoming release branch (Integration Workspace).
    1. Click Workspace dashboard option located next to Main.
    2. Click Create.
    3. Enter the name of your Workspace and provide comments to create the workspace.

      The workspace is now visible under Main.

    4. Open the newly created workspace.
  2. Select Archive > Import from Archive menu item.
  3. Follow the wizard to import the file.
  4. Checkpoint and submit the workspace for delivery, rebasing if necessary.
  5. Deliver the workspace as follows:
    1. Click the Workspace dashboard option and select your workspace then click Open.
    2. Click Version to provide your comments and create the version.
    3. Click Submit and submit for delivery.
    4. Click Deliver to provide the comments and deliver the workspace.
  6. Test the changes by following the below:
    1. Open the Siebel Call Center and click Open to inspect the workspace for ensuring that the newly added column is visible under User Status in the user interface and can be changed from Active to Inactive and the opposite.
    2. Change the status to Inactive for different known users.
    3. Log out.
    4. Try to log in as other user.


      This test should fail.


You can establish a connection between Oracle Siebel CRM and Oracle Access Governance by entering connection details. To achieve this, use the Orchestrated Systems functionality available in the Oracle Access Governance Console.

Navigate to the Orchestrated Systems Page

Navigate to the Orchestrated Systems page of the Oracle Access Governance Console, by following these steps:
  1. From the Oracle Access Governance navigation menu icon Navigation menu, select Service Administration → Orchestrated Systems.
  2. Click the Add an orchestrated system button to start the workflow.

Select and configure a new Orchestrated System

Select the type of system that you would like to connect with Oracle Access Governance by following the Orchestrated System workflow:

Select system

On the Select system step of the workflow, you can specify which type of system you would like to onboard.

  1. Select Siebel.
  2. Click Next.

Enter details

On the Enter Details step of the workflow, enter the details for the orchestrated system:

  1. Enter a name for the system you want to connect to in the What do you want to call this system? field.
  2. Enter a description for the system in the How do you want to describe this system? field.
  3. Determine if this orchestrated system is an authoritative source, and if Oracle Access Governance can manage permissions for existing users by setting the following checkboxes:
    • This is the authoritative source for my identities
    • I want to manage permissions for this system

    By default, both options are selected.

  4. Click Next.


On the Configure step of the workflow, enter the configuration details required to allow Oracle Access Governance to connect to the Siebel system.

  1. In the GatewayServer field, enter the name of the gateway server. A gateway server is a Windows service or UNIX daemon process that stores component definitions and assignments, operational parameters, and connectivity information.
    Sample value:
  2. In the ServerPort field, enter the port number at which the target system is listening.
  3. In the User name field, enter the User ID of the target system user account that you want to use for connector operations.

    Sample value: johnsmith

  4. In the Password field, enter the password of the target system user account that you want to use for connector operations and confirm the password.
  5. In the Object manager field, enter the name of the object manager. The term Object Manager refers to any of several Siebel Server components that support users accessing Siebel Business Applications through the Siebel Web Client and a Web server.
    A different Siebel Application Object Manager component is provided for each base application among the Siebel Business Applications or Siebel Industry Applications.


    Separate Siebel Application Object Managers are provided for each installed language in which you can run your Siebel applications.

    For example, you can refer to any one of the following for the specific language:

    For English:
    For Brazilian Portuguese:
    For French:
    For German:
    For Italian:
    For Japanese:
    For Korean:
    For Simplified Chinese:
    For Spanish:
    For Traditional Chinese:
  6. In the Siebel server field, enter the name of the system server
    Sample value:
  7. In the Version field, enter the version of the system supported by this connector.

    Sample value: 15.5


    If the system version that you are using is Siebel CRM 7.5.x or 7.5.x.x then enter 7.5 only as the value of this parameter. For example, if you are using Siebel CRM as the target system, then enter 7.5.
  8. In the Trusted token field, enter the trusted token value that you specify while configuring the system to communicate with the SSO system. If you have not configured SSO authentication, then enter No.

    Sample value: No

  9. In the Enterprise server field, enter the name of an enterprise, which is a logical collection of Siebel servers that access a single database server and file system.

    Sample value: siebel

  10. In the User Type field, you can specify one of the following Siebel user types:
    • Employee: This user is an internal employee and this user is associated with a position in a division within your company.
    • User: This user is also a self-registered partner having no position in your company. However, this user has a responsibility that specifies the application views the user can access.
  11. Click Add to create the orchestrated system.

Finish Up

The final step of the workflow is Finish Up, where you are given a choice whether to further configure your orchestrated system before running a data load, or accept the default configuration and initiate a data load. Select one from:
  • Customize before enabling the system for data loads
  • Activate and prepare the data load with the provided defaults


There are no postinstall steps associated with an Oracle Siebel CRM system.