About Application Roles

An application role comprises a set of permissions that determine what users can see and do after signing in to Oracle Analytics Cloud. It’s your job as an administrator to assign users and groups to one or more application roles.

There are two types of application role:

Type of Application Role Description


Include a fixed set of permissions.


Created by administrators. See Add Your Own Application Roles.

Predefined Application Roles

Oracle Analytics Cloud provides several predefined application roles to get you started. In many cases, these predefined application roles are all that you need.

This diagram illustrates the predefined application role hierarchy and how they map to the default application roles in your identity domain (ServiceAdministrator, ServiceUser, ServiceViewer). When a user is a member of an application role (such as DV Content Author) that's also a member of another application role in the hierarchy (such as DV Consumer), the user becomes an indirect member of the second application role.

For example:

  • BI Service Administrator - The diagram shows that a member of the BI Service Administrator application role is an indirect member of all the other predefined application roles (BI Data Model Author, BI Data Load Author, BI Consumer, and so on). This means that users with the BI Service Administrator application role, can automatically do everything that these individual application roles allow. For example, if you add a new administrative user (John), you don’t need to give John every application role. Instead, you simply give John the BI Service Administrator application role and this grants him all the available permissions.
  • DV Content Author - The diagram shows that a member of the DV Content Author application role becomes and indirect member of the BI Content Author, DV Consumer, and BI Consumer application roles. So, if you give a user the DV Content Author application role, that user can create, share, explore, and view data visualizations, and they can also create, share, run, and view analyses and dashboards.
Predefined Application Roles in Oracle Analytics Cloud Description

BI Service Administrator

Allows users to administer Oracle Analytics Cloud and delegate privileges to others using the Console. This application role is assigned all the available permissions.

BI Data Model Author

Allows users to create and manage semantic models in Oracle Analytics Cloud using Semantic Modeler.

BI Dataload Author

Not used.

DV Content Author

Allows users to create workbooks, connect to data sources, create datasets, and load data for data visualizations.

BI Content Author

Allows users to create analyses, dashboards, and pixel-perfect reports, and share them with others.

DV Consumer

Allows users to explore data visualizations.

BI Consumer

Allows users to view and run reports in Oracle Analytics Cloud (workbooks, analyses, dashboards, pixel-perfect reports).

Use this application role to control who has access to the service.

You can’t delete predefined application roles or remove default memberships.

Application roles can have users, groups, or other application roles as members. This means that a user who is a member of one application role might indirectly be a member of other application roles.