Replicate Your Data

In data replication, use a replication flow to copy data from a data source to a data target for analysis in Oracle Analytics Cloud. For example, you might copy data from an Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications data source to Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse.
  1. Set up a connection for your data source:
    1. From the Home page, click Create, then Replication Connection, and then select the type of data source you want to copy.
      For example, to replicate data from an Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications data source, click Oracle Fusion Application Storage.
    2. At the Create Connection dialog, specify the connection details.
      For example, to replicate data from Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications, specify connection details for your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage or Object Storage Classic instance. See Create a Replication Connection For Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications.
  2. Set up a connection for your data target:
    1. From the Home page, click Create, Replication Connection, and then select the type of data source you want to copy the data into.
    2. In the Create Connection dialog, specify the connection details of your data target.
      For example, to replicate to Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse, click Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse.
  3. From the Home page, click Create, then click Data Replication.
  4. In the Create Data Replication-Select Source Connection dialog, select the source connection that you created in Step 1.
  5. In the Create Data Replication-Select Target Connection dialog, select the target connection that you created in Step 2.
  6. If the replication target has multiple schemas, use the Schema list to select the schema to use.
  7. In the Replicate Objects area, select the object that you want to replicate:
    • Click the check box next to each object that you want to replicate.

      For Fusion Applications data sources, if the view that you want to replicate isn’t displayed in the list, click the Add a custom view object option below the list. Enter the full path and name of the view, for example, FscmTopModelAM.TaskDffBIAM.FLEX_BI_TaskDFF, then click Add.

    • When you select a table, you include all attributes by default. Use the check boxes on the right-hand pane to select or deselect attributes.

    • To change a primary key, click the key icon and select Assign Primary Key or Reorder Primary Key. The primary key is used for upsert operations to determine whether a record is inserted or updated.

      To improve indexing, it’s best practice to order the columns so that the most selective columns are first and the least selective columns are last. Do this by clicking the Reorder Primary Key option from the context menu of any of the primary key columns.

    • To use multiple columns as a primary key, select the key icon next to each column to include in the key.

    • To replicate a subset of data based on a filter, click Edit Filter to display the filter editor and specify a filter expression (without the closing semicolon). The expression format you use depends on the filter language that your data source supports. Common filter languages include SQL, XML, and so on. Refer to the documentation for your data source for details.

      Data Source Type Example filter expressions
      Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications "__DATASTORE__.LookupType not in ('GROUPING_SEPARATOR','HZ_FORMAT_DELIMITERS','ICX_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS')"
      Oracle Fusion Cloud B2C Service (RightNow)

      lookupname like 'Admin%'

      id > 2

      Oracle Eloqua '{{Account.Field(M_Annual_Revenue1)}}' > '2000’

      Use the Validate option to verify the expression before you click OK to save the filter.

    • To replicate a subset of data based on a timestamp, click the Replicate From calendar icon and specify a start date.

      The Replicate From option only applies to tables that have at least one incremental identifier column defined.

    • Use the Load Type to specify whether to perform an incremental load or a full load.

      If you select Incremental, you replicate all data on the first run and on subsequent runs you replicate only new data. Incremental updates require tables with a primary key and at least one incremental identifier column.

      If you select Full, the target table is initialized and you replicate all data.

  8. Save your replication workbook.
  9. To start the data load, click Run Replication Flow.