Typical Workflow for Using Safe Domain REST APIs

Here are the common tasks to start using Oracle Analytics Cloud REST APIs to programmatically view and manage safe domains. If you’re using safe domain REST APIs for the first time, follow these tasks as a guide.

Task Description REST API Documentation
Understand prerequisites

Understand and complete several prerequisite tasks.

You must have administrator permissions in Oracle Analytics Cloud to manage safe domains using REST APIs (BI Service Administrator).

Understand OAuth 2.0 token authentication Authentication and authorization in Oracle Analytics Cloud is managed by Oracle Identity Cloud Service. To access the Oracle Analytics Cloud REST APIs, you need an OAuth 2.0 access token to use for authorization. OAuth 2.0 Token Authentication
Get all safe domains Return a list of all the safe domains configured for Oracle Analytics Cloud. Get all safe domains
Register or update a safe domain Register a new safe domain or update an existing configuration. Create or update a safe domain
Delete a safe domain Remove a safe domain. Create or update a safe domain