Add Logical Table Sources

A logical table's physical source is included when you drag and drop a table from the physical layer to the logical layer. You can add logical table sources to the logical tables that you create by dragging and dropping, or to logical tables that you create manually.

Add logical table sources when you need multiple physical tables to source the logical table's data. For example:

  • You have three different business units each with its own order system where you get revenue information.

  • You periodically summarize revenue from an orders system or a financial system and use this table for high-level reporting.

  1. On the Home page, click Navigator and then click Semantic Models.
  2. In the Semantic Models page, click a semantic model to open it.
  3. Click Logical Layer.
  4. In the Logical Layer pane, browse for and double-click the table where you want to add a table source.
  5. In the logical table, click the Sources tab.
  6. Optional: To browse for and add a physical table source, click Add Physical Table, select Add Physical Table, and browse for and select a physical table.
  7. Optional: To add a new source, click Add Physical Table, select Create New Source, and enter a name for the source table.
  8. From the table's source list, click a table source and then click Detail view.
  9. Specify the data source's general properties, table mapping, joins, column mapping, and data granularity.
  10. Click Save.