Update the Semantic Model After Migration From Model Administration Tool

Use this topic to learn how Semantic Modeler handles model migration and the types of issue you might need to fix after the migration from Model Administration Tool to Semantic Modeler.

See Understand the Differences Between Model Administration Tool and Semantic Modeler.

Item Description
Display keys in logical dimension (hierarchy) levels

If the semantic model you migrated contained display keys for logical levels, the migrated model includes only the first display key and the remaining keys aren't included.

Data connections

Semantic Modeler only supports Data Connections. If you migrating a semantic model with a defined connection or that uses an external Console Connection, after migration you need to create a data connection and assign it to the connection pool in Semantic Modeler.

See About Semantic Model Data Source Connections and Work with Connection Pools.

Logical foreign key joins

Although Model Administration Tool doesn't support logical foreign key joins, there is a chance that your semantic model contains them. Any foreign key joins aren't included in the migrated model.

To fix this issue, after migration create the needed logical joins in Semantic Modeler.

See Work with Logical Joins.

Primary keys Semantic Modeler requires that each logical level contains a primary key. If the migrated model doesn't contain primary keys, then add them. See Identify the Primary Key for a Dimension Level.
Consistency check

After fixing the post-migration items in this table, run the Semantic Modeler's advanced consistency check on the migrated model.

Note that Semantic Modeler's consistency check enforces more data modeling best practices and checks additional rules than the Model Administration Tool consistency check. Even though the model was consistent before you migrated it, the Semantic Modeler consistency check might find errors and issues.

See Work with Check Consistency.