Update REST Requests and Automation Scripts After Upgrade

After the upgrade, Oracle automatically redirects users to the new Oracle Analytics Cloud on Gen 2 so there's no impact on the user sign-in experience. Automatic redirects aren’t available for any REST requests or automation scripts that you might use in your environment. If you make REST requests or use any scripts, you might need to make minor adjustments to any URL references in these.

Oracle Analytics Cloud on Gen 1 URL: https://example.com/dv/ui

Oracle Analytics Cloud on Gen 2 URL: https://example.com/ui/dv

  1. Update any Oracle Analytics Cloud URL references that you use in REST requests.

    Change: /dv/ui to /ui/dv

  2. Update any Oracle Analytics Cloud URL references that you use in automation scripts. For example scripts that use Curl, Python, Java, and so on.