Add a Bursting Definition to Your Data Model with an SQL Query

You can add a bursting definition to your data model.

Bursting doesn't support global functions in data model. If a data model contains global functions, the XML generated by a bursting job doesn't include the tags for the global functions. The global function elements are at the end section of the XML output. The XML output is cut based on the Split By element specified in the bursting definition. The global function elements can't be included in the split XML document.

For example, consider the following XML output and the Split By element. The bursted XML document won't contain the global function elements:

  • XML output: <Data><G1><Invoice_id>10</Invoice_id><Invoice_Num>abcd#1</Invoice_Num>,,,</G1><GLobalFunc1>InvoiceAccountCode</GLobalFunc1></Data>

  • Split By element: /Data/G1/Invoice_id

  • Bursted XML document: <Data><G1><Invoice_id>10</Invoice_id><Invoice_Num>abcd#1</Invoice_Num>,,,</G1></Data>

Use an SQL query to add a bursting definition to the data model and enable bursting in your report. The SQL query validations ensure that the SQL query for bursting returns distinct rows. The SQL query fails with an error if the output size of a bursting query exceeds 200,000 rows.

In the Bursting definition table, add a bursting definition by specifying its name, type, data source, and other properties.

  1. On the component pane of the data model editor, click Bursting to create a bursting query.
  2. In the Bursting definition table, click the Create Bursting button.
  3. Enter the following for this bursting definition:
    • Name - Enter a name for the query. For example, Burst to File.

    • Type - Select SQL Query.

    • Data Source - Select the data source that contains the delivery information.

  4. In the lower region, enter the following for this bursting definition:
    • Split By - Select the element from the dataset by which to split the data.

    • Deliver By - Select the element from the dataset by which to format and deliver the data.

    • Enable Consolidated Output - Select the option to generate a single consolidated report.

    • Group Data by Split Key Values - Select the option to group the data based on Split Key values.

    • SQL Query - Enter the query or click QueryBuilder to construct the bursting query.

    • Attachment - Attach external PDF files to your bursted PDF output, if required.

  5. In the Report Properties dialog, select Enable Bursting to enable bursting for a report.
If the Split By and Deliver By elements reside in an XML document stored as a CLOB in your database, you must enter the full XPATH in the Split By and Delivery By fields.

Attach PDF to Reports using Bursting Engine

You might have a requirement to attach PDFs along with invoices for customers. You can attach PDFs to reports while bursting.

Once a bursting query is defined, you can enter the attachment query in the Attachment tab. The attachment expects the repository source to be a WebCenter content, which can be defined as a data source by the Administrator.
  1. Click the Attachment tab.
  2. Select the content server name from the Attachment Repository LOV.
  3. Define the SQL query for the attachment in the Content Server.
    Publisher doesn't support parameters in the SQL query for attachment.
  4. Click Save icon after you make changes to the data model.
  5. Click the View Data button.
  6. Click View to view the data.
  7. Save the data by clicking Save As Sample Data.
  8. To create a report based on the data model that you created, click Create Report.
Note that the PDF attachments are delivered to recipients along with the main report as a single PDF file. The attachment document isn’t separately embedded, but appended to the report.
If you want to save the entire PDF report along with the attachments as a single consolidated file, then check the option Enable Consolidated Output under bursting query. The consolidated output contains the sequential merge of report and attachment of each burst. A user (with consumer role) who schedules the bursting report job and the Administrator will be able to view the consolidated output in the Job History Details page.