Create the Archive File Needed for a Database Connection with Kerberos Authentication

To connect to a data source using Kerberos authentication, you can supply connection details to Oracle Analytics using connection details stored in an archive file (for example, a compressed file with a *.zip file extension).

Storing connection details in an archive file (that is, a compressed file with a *.zip file extension) makes it easy to connect to a Spark or Hive data source without having to manually enter connection details.
The archive file requires a directory named kerberos that contains the following files :
  • kerberos/krb5conf
  • kerberos/oac.keytab
  • kerberos/service_details.json
The service_details.json file contain values for Host, Port, and ServicePrincipalName with parameter values in quotation marks ("value"). For example:
 "Host" : "",
 "Port" : "10000",
 "ServicePrincipalName" : "hive/"
  1. Obtain the Kerberos configuration files from your database administrator, for example, to connect to Apache Hive.
  2. Create a folder named kerberos to contain the Kerberos configuration files.
  3. Copy the krb5conf file into the kerberos folder that you created.
  4. Ensure the .keytab file is named oac.keytab (rename it if required), and copy the file into the folder you created.
  5. Get or create the service_details.json file and save it in the folder you created.
  6. Create an archive file containing the three files that you added to your folder, and provide an appropriate name, for example