Defining Expressions Using SMML

You can use expressions in SMML schema files to define and identify joins between objects. These joins are referenced using the elements expressionTemplate and expressionObjects.

In SMML schema files, expressionTemplate defines and stores the join's expression, which can be viewed and edited using the Expression Editor. The expressionObjects element names the objects that are referenced in the join expression. For example:
  "physicalExpression": {
                        "expressionTemplate": " TIMESTAMPDIFF( SQL_TSI_DAY , %1, %2)",
                        "expressionObjects": [
                           "physicalColumn:Sample App Data (ORCL).SAMPLE.F13 Rev\\. (Order Dt Join).Order_Day_Dt",
                           "physicalColumn:Sample App Data (ORCL).SAMPLE.F13 Rev\\. (Order Dt Join).Ship_Day_Dt"

For information on expression elements and the Expression Editor, see Expression Editor Reference in Building Semantic Models in Oracle Analytics Cloud.