Apply Multiple Data Layers to a Single Map Visualization

You can add data layers that provide details about dimensions and metrics to a map visualization. Data layers overlay the base map visualization.

  1. On the Home page, select a workbook containing a map visualization, click Actions, and then select Open.
  2. Drag and drop measure or attribute columns containing map-related data from the Data Panel to the Category (Location) section on the Grammar Panel.
  3. Click Layer options in the Category (Location) section of the Grammar pane and click Add Layer to add a new data layer (for example, Layer 2).
  4. Drag and drop a column to the Category (Location) section. Based on the column values the map visualization automatically updates with a different set of dimensions, and it overlays on the previous layer.
  5. Optional: Click Data Layers in the Properties pane. Depending on the layer type, you can select:
    • Name - Change the layer name.
    • Layer Type - Change the layer type. For example, Polygon.
    • Transparency - Change the visibility of the layer.
    • Outline - Change the layer outline to Custom to select an Outline Color and set the Outline Width.
    • Size - Change the size of the layer in relation to the map.
    • Tooltip - Modify the data that appears on the tooltip when hovering over the layer on the map.
    • Show Layer - Display or hide the layer.
    • Show Legend Title - Display or hide the legend.
    • Data Labels Position - Display and select a position for data labels on the map for selected data columns.
    • Auto Zoom - Automatically zoom to this layer's extent whenever the map visualization renders.
    • Enable Selection - Enable selection of data for this layer using the Rectangle, Radial, or Polygon selection toggles, or using left or right mouse click.
  6. Click Save.