CLI Example: Generate a Catalog Report

You can generate a report that contains specific data about objects in your catalog using the Catalog Manager command line interface. For example, you might create a report that shows the SQL statement sent to Oracle Analytics for each object.

Syntax to Generate a Report -cmd report -online <Oracle Analytics Cloud URL> 
-outputfile "<output file path>"
-folder "/Shared Folders" 
-type "All" 
-fields "<colon separated list of fields in the report>"
-credentials <file with login username and password>


In this example, you generate a report in Excel format for all catalog objects in the /Shared Folders folder. The report contains only the fields that you specify, that is Path, Name, Signature, and so on. -cmd report -online "https:/" -outputfile /scratch/Object.xls -excelformat -folder "/Shared Folders" -type "All"  -fields  "Path:Name:Signature:Content State:Owner:Creator:Created:ACL" -credentials /scratch/mycredentials.txt

Where the credentials file contains the rows:
