Line Graphs

Line graphs enable you to connect several distinct data points as a single continuous progression. You can use them to identify changes in one value relative to another.

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Based on a line chart with the area between the axis and line filled in. These graphs show you the amount of change over time, and are useful for evaluating a total value across a trend.

100% Area

Based on the area graph but with the entire graph filled in to 100%.


Depicts an entire series of values over time in a line format.

Radar Area

Based on the radar line graph but the areas between lines are filled in.

Radar Bar

Based on the radar line graph and presents multivariate data by plotting each variable on an axis and the data as a polygonal shape over all axes.

Radar Line

Displays multivariate data in the form of a two-dimensional chart of three or more quantitative variables represented on an axes starting from the same point.

Stacked Area

Based on the area graph and is useful for tracking not only the total value, but also seeing the breakdown of that total by groups.