About Making Analytics Content Easier to Search

Content authors make analytics content easier to search from the Home page by specifying synonyms for columns in datasets.

For example, to make it easier for users to find data in a column named Yield, you might specify revenue and income as synonyms. From the Home page, users then can locate data in a column named Yield by entering revenue or income as a search term.

You can create and edit synonyms if you own a dataset or a dataset has been shared with you with read-write access.

You specify synonyms for dataset columns on the Search page of the Inspect dialog for datasets.
Description of synonyms.png follows
Description of the illustration synonyms.png

Tips on specifying synonyms for column names:
  • Enter one or multiple synonyms. For example, for a Yield column you might specify revenue and income.
  • Synonyms can be up to 50 characters.
  • You can specify a maximum of 20 synonyms for each column name.

You can't base synonyms on:

  • Analytical functions, for example, sum, AND, OR, NOT, BETWEEN, IN, IS NULL, LIKE, Aggregate At, Aggregate By.
  • Analytical terms, for example, null.
  • Articles, prepositions, pronouns, and conjunctions that are usually removed before processing natural language (also known as stop words). For example, a, an, and, are, as, at, be, but, by.
  • Boolean function names, for example, true, false, yes, no.
  • Date formats, for example, nn/nnnn, nnnn/nn, nn/nn/nnnn, nnnn/nn/nn where n is an integer.
  • Integers, for example, 123 or 123 456.
  • Special characters, for example, `!@#$%^&*()+=[]{};\':"\\|,<>/?~.