Republish from History in Report Viewer

In Report Viewer, you can use your job history to republish data.

On successful completion of the jobs that save data for republishing, you can republish data using any of the supported output formats for the layout templates included in the report. You can apply a new layout, choose a different output format, or export the report. Because you're using the data retrieved from a previous report run, you can't update the parameters.

  1. Select the report in the BI catalog.
  2. Click Open to run the report in Report Viewer.
  3. On the Actions menu, click Republish from History.
  4. In the Open dialog, select the job name and specify the output format.
    In the Job Name drop-down list, you can view only ten jobs. To view all the jobs submitted by you in the Report Job History page, click View full history for this report.
  5. Click Okay.