Working With Calculations

Calculations enable you to create powerful and reusable analytics artifacts that enhanced your analytics content.

To create a calculation, in the Data Panel, Data pane, right-click on My Calculations or click Add (+) at the top of the panel, and then select either Create Calculation or Create Group Calculation. You can also create a group calculation based on an existing calculation by right-clicking the calculation and selecting Create Group Calculation.
  • Calculations - enable you to create data elements based on a wide range of expressions and functions. For example, contatenate text, create clusters or outliers, or calculate median values.

  • Group Calculations - enable you to categorize you data for easier analysis. For example, you might create job categories Management, Sales, Technical, and Support so that you can assign job titles to these categories and report on them.

When you create calculations they're stored in the My Calculations area of the workbook where you created them. Right-click on a calculation to access a range of options.
Description of using-calculations.png follows
Description of the illustration using-calculations.png

Here's what you can do with calculations.
Option Use this option to
Add to Selected Visualzation Add the calculation to visualizations on the currently displayed canvas.
Copy Expanded Expression (Displayed when a calculation references another calculation, known as a nested calculation) Copy the expression that is formed by replacing the referenced calculations with their source expressions recursively. In other words, the nested expressions are copied, replacing the name of the nested calculation.
Copy Expression Review and copy the underlying SQL code used by the calculation. If the calculation references another calculation, the nested expressions aren't copied.
Create Best Visualization Let Oracle Analytics create a visualization for you based on the best style for the data that you have.
Create Filter Filter the workbook or visualization using the calculation.
Delete Calculation Remove the calculation from the workbook.
Duplicate Calculation Create an editable copy of the calculation.
Edit Calculation Update the calculation.
Pick Visualization Add the calculation to the canvas using a visualization style that you select from a list of suitable styles.