9 How do I retrieve data on a date, time, location, and by threshold values?

You can retrieve data on a specific date, time, location, and by threshold values from your feed.
  1. In search mode, search for data.
  2. Select a card generated by the app and tap More options icon below the card.
  3. Tap Bring Backs.
  4. If you’ve added the card to your feed, then tap More options icon below the card in your feed, and then tap Bring Backs.
  5. Specify one or more options:
    • Tap a day; for example, tonight, tomorrow, or next week.

    • Tap Bring Back by Time to specify the time and the recurrence (such as daily, weekly, or monthly).

    • Tap Bring Back by Place to specify the location.

    • Tap Bring Back by Threshold to specify the threshold values. For example, on a card displaying regional revenues, if you set the threshold value for total revenue as X, then when the total regional revenue reaches X, the app retrieves that card and displays it in your feed.

    Based on your selection, you automatically see the card on the specified date, time, place, or when the card data reaches the specified threshold.