16 How do I share and collaborate on a card?

  1. Tap More options icon below the card.
  2. Share the card in one of these ways:
    • Tap Share with Colleagues. You see two types of users:
      • Suggested users: Registered users of the app who are in the contacts list on your mobile device with an email address that exactly matches the email address of the user IDs that they use for the app.

      • Users: Registered users of the app who are available in your Oracle Analytics Cloud instance.

    • Tap Share with Crew to share it with your crew.

    • Tap Share Image to send the image of a card to anyone else, using the apps available in your mobile device.

    • Tap Share Nearby to share it with a user who is physically near you if you’ve enabled the Share Nearby option in Settings.


      You can share across iOS and Android mobile devices. This sharing passes the card from one device to another. This method doesn't share the card data with other users; those users will see data they have access to on the shared card.
    • Tap Share Data to share to other apps installed on the device that accept data.

    Sharing a card with individual users or with your crew creates a private discussion and places the card in the Recommended feed of each user. Users can comment and collaborate on the shared card.