6 How do I change the format of the loaded data?

  1. Tap the initial visualization to view the analysis data as a list of number cards.
  2. Tap Down arrow to open icon on the number card to open the format options.
  3. Select the format options.

    You can format the number with a currency symbol, the number of decimal places, and a number separator. Optionally, you can format the data as an aggregate of sum, average, and count. The Abbreviate check box enables you to display the number in an abbreviated form. For example, abbreviate 1,234,567.00 as 1.2M


    If you select percent, then you can evaluate the value as a percentage of the total numbers.
    You see the modified format.
  4. Tap Up arrow to close icon on the number card to close the format options.
  5. In tablets that are 7 inches or larger, tap Edit icon available for the selected number card to change the format of the numbers.