Before You Begin

This tutorial shows you how to override the columns and visualizations selected by Oracle Analytics when generating insights based on the dataset. Your measure and dimension column selections in Auto Insights generate charts and visualizations of the data you're interested in viewing.


Oracle Analytics proactively generates visualizations and charts by selecting the measures, dimensions, and relationships between these data elements to produce a set of insights found in the dataset. You can review and use these auto insights in your workbook, ignore them, or customize the set of column selections to generate a different set of insights about the dataset. Your customized Auto Insights column selections are only available during your Oracle Analytics session. The customized columns or visualization types aren't saved and don't change the Auto Insights generated for another dataset user.

You can select visualizations developed by your custom column selections to use and save with your workbook.

If the Auto Insights panel doesn't display when you open or create a workbook, the dataset owner or the administrator has disabled Auto Insights. Your Oracle Analytics administrator can enable Auto Insights on the dataset.

What Do You Need?

Create a Dataset

In this section, you add a file to Oracle Analytics to create a dataset.

  1. Sign in to Oracle Analytics.
  2. On the Home page, click Create, and then select Dataset.
  3. In Create Dataset, click Drop data file here or click to browse. In File Upload, select the sample_order_lines.xlsx, and then click Open.
  4. In Create Dataset Table from sample_order_lines.xlsx, click OK.

    Description of sample_order_lines.png follows
    Description of the illustration sample_order_lines.png
  5. In the Join Diagram, click Save Save icon. In Save Dataset As, enter Sample Order Lines in Name, and then click OK.

Create a Workbook

In this section, you create a workbook and review the default Auto Insights visualizations.

  1. Click Create Workbook. Click Expand/shrink drawer Expand or Shrink insights panel icon to view Auto Insights for the dataset.

    Description of default_auto_insights.png follows
    Description of the illustration default_auto_insights.png
  2. In the Auto Insights panel, hover over the Trending Dimensions visualization to view details about the visualization.

    Description of insights_vizs_interactive.png follows
    Description of the illustration insights_vizs_interactive.png
  3. In the Auto Insights panel, select a visualization and drag it to the canvas. Close the Auto Insights panel.

    You can use the Auto Insights visualizations in your workbook.

    Description of auto_insights_viz.png follows
    Description of the illustration auto_insights_viz.png
  4. In the visualization, click Menu Visualization menu icon and select Delete Visualization.

Customize Auto Insights Column Selections

In this section, you select measures and attributes for customized insights.

  1. In the workbook, click Auto Insights Auto insights icon.
  2. In the Auto Insights panel, click Insights Settings Insights settings icon.
  3. In Auto Insights Settings, expand Measures, click Discount to remove the column, and then click Sales.
  4. Expand Time Attributes and keep Order Date as the time attribute.
  5. Expand Small Size Attributes, and click Order Priority and Customer Segment to remove these columns from generating insights. Keep the Product Category selection.
  6. Expand Medium Size Attributes, click City to remove the column, and then click Product Sub Category.

    Description of ai_attribute_settings.png follows
    Description of the illustration ai_attribute_settings.png
  7. Click Apply.
  8. In the Auto Insights panel, drag Avg Profit by Record to the canvas, and then drag Top 10 Product Sub Category by Profit to the canvas. Close the Auto Insights panel.

    Oracle Analytics adds the calculations used to create the visualizations to the sample_order_lines dataset in the My Calculations folder.

    Description of custom_insights_vizs.png follows
    Description of the illustration custom_insights_vizs.png
  9. In the Data panel under the My Calculations folder, hover over Profit by Record to view information about the calculation.

    Description of view_calc.png follows
    Description of the illustration view_calc.png

Select Visualizations Types for Auto Insights

In this section, you select visualization types to use in generating insights.

  1. In the workbook, click Auto Insights Auto insights icon.
  2. In the Auto Insights panel, click Insights Settings Insights settings icon.
  3. Click Heatmaps, Top Ns, Trends, Seasonality, Comparative Trends, Time Indexing, Boxplots, Distributions, and Others to remove these visualization types from the generated auto insights.
  4. Click Apply.

    Auto Insights generates dimensional visualizations for the selected columns.

    Description of some_dim_vizs.png follows
    Description of the illustration some_dim_vizs.png
  5. In the Auto Insights panel, drag Profit Value to the canvas.

    When the data is available, Auto Insights adds a performance tile to the visualization. The Profit Value visualization shows a total profit value of 1,300,000.00.

    Description of dimensional_viz_perf_tile.png follows
    Description of the illustration dimensional_viz_perf_tile.png

Review Auto Insights

In this section, you open the workbook to see that Auto Insight renders visualizations using the default column selections.

  1. Click Save Save icon. In Save Workbook, enter a Name for your workbook, and then click Save.
  2. Click Go back Go back icon.
  3. On the Home page, hover over your workbook, click the Actions Action menu, and then select Open.
  4. Click Edit Edit mode icon. In your workbook, click Auto Insights Auto Insights icon, and then click Auto Insights Settings Insights Settings.

    When you closed the workbook, your custom Auto Insights selections from the previous session weren't saved and were discarded with the session. However, Oracle Analytics saves any Auto Insights generated visualizations and their related calculations that you added to the workbook.

    Description of custom_selections_cleared.png follows
    Description of the illustration custom_selections_cleared.png

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