Before you Begin

This tutorial shows you how to create visualizations from a file data source.


In Oracle Analytics, you create and use visualizations to analyze your data through graphical representations. Visualizations can show trends, provide insights, and assist in decision making. In this tutorial, you use the same data elements in different visualizations. You also change the canvas properties to use a freeform layout that enables moving around the visualizations. In the visualizations, you update properties that change how the data appears in the visualizations.

What Do You Need?

Create a Dataset

In this section, you create a dataset from the spreadsheet file that you downloaded to your computer.

  1. Sign in to Oracle Analytics.
  2. On the Home page, click Create, and then click Dataset.
  3. In Create Dataset, click Drop data file here or click to browse.
  4. In Create Dataset Table from sample_order_lines2023.xlsx, click OK.
  5. Click Save Save icon. In Save Dataset As, enter sample_order_lines2023, and then click OK.

    Description of sample_order_lines2023.png follows
    Description of the illustration sample_order_lines2023.png

Create Your First Visualization

In this section, you create a visualization by dragging data elements to the canvas or to the Grammar pane.

  1. Click Create Workbook.
  2. In the Data Data pane icon pane, select Sales and drag it to the canvas.

    Oracle Analytics understands that Sales is a measure, calculates the total sales in the dataset, and automatically creates a tile visualization.

    Description of sales_tile_autofit.png follows
    Description of the illustration sales_tile_autofit.png
  3. In Data Data pane icon pane, select Profit and drag it under Sales in Values.
  4. In the Data Data pane icon pane, hold down the Ctrl key, select these data elements, in order:
    • Discount
    • Gross Unit Price
    • Shipping Cost
  5. Drag the measure data elements to Values in the Grammar pane under Profit.
  6. You can add up to five measures in a tile visualization.

    Description of secondary_measures.png follows
    Description of the illustration secondary_measures.png
  7. In the Data Data pane icon pane, select Product Sub Category and drag it to the canvas.

    Oracle Analytics adds a spark chart depicting Sales by Product Sub Category.

    Description of tile_vis_w_trendline.png follows
    Description of the illustration tile_vis_w_trendline.png
  8. Click Save Save icon. In Save Workbook, enter My First Visualizations in Name, and click Save.

Change the Canvas Layout

In this section, you change the Visualize canvas layout to use the freeform layout option instead of the auto-fit option. When you use the freeform layout, you can resize the visualizations and arrange them without conforming to a grid.

  1. Hover over the Canvas 1 tab, click the canvas menu, and then click Canvas Properties.
  2. In the Layout row, click Auto Fit, select Freeform, and then click OK.
  3. Select a corner handle corner handle icon and reduce the size of the tile to remove the unused white space.

    Description of freeform_resized_vis.png follows
    Description of the illustration freeform_resized_vis.png

Add Visualizations

In this section, you use the same data elements as depicted in the tile visualization.

  1. In the Data Data pane icon pane, hold down the Ctrl key, select these data elements in this order:
    • Sales
    • Profit
    • Discount
    • Gross Unit Price
    • Shipping Cost
    • Product Sub Category
  2. Right-click, select Pick Visualization, and then select Table Table visualization icon.

    You can create different visualizations using same data elements as in other visualizations.

    Description of table_vis.png follows
    Description of the illustration table_vis.png
  3. In the Data Data pane icon pane, hold down the Ctrl key, select Product Sub Category, Sales, and Profit. Right-click and select Create Best Visualization.

    Oracle Analytics generates a scatter visualization with Sales on the Y-Axis and Profit on the X-Axis. The points on the diagram represent sales and profits by Product Sub Category.

    Description of scatter_vis.png follows
    Description of the illustration scatter_vis.png
  4. Click Save Save icon.

Change Visualization Properties

In this section, you customize the visualizations by changing the visualization's properties.

  1. Click the Sales tile visualization and click Properties Properties icon. In the Label Font row, click Auto. In the font properties, select 16 to increase the font size. Select B for bold and click outside the dialog to close it.
  2. In the Chart line row, click Line With Area, select Line. In High/Low Marks, click Hide to update the property to Show.
  3. In the Reference Line row, click None and select Average.

    There are multiple properties that you can change in a visualization this section shows just a few.

    Description of sales_tile_custom.png follows
    Description of the illustration sales_tile_custom.png
  4. Click the table visualization and click Properties Properties icon. Under the Title section in the Title row, click Auto, select Custom, and then enter Product Costs, Sales, and Profit.
  5. In the Title Font row, click Auto, select 16 from the font size list, and then click B for bold.
  6. In the Properties pane, click Values Values icon. Expand Profit. In the Number Format row, click Auto and select Number.
  7. In the Negative Values row, click -123 and select (123).

    Negative numbers use the color red to make the value standout.

  8. In the table, select the Profit column and move it to after the Shipping Cost column.
    Description of property_change_vizs.png follows
    Description of the illustration property_change_vizs.png

Duplicate a Visualization

In this section, you create a visualization by duplicating one already in the workbook.

  1. Hover over the Sales tile, click the arrow Tile menu icon to display the toolbar.
  2. In the toolbar, click Menu Visualization menu icon, select Edit, and then select Duplicate Visualization.
  3. Hover over the tile visualization and use the visualization handle visualization handle icon to move the duplicated visualization off the first tile visualization.
  4. In the Grammar pane, select Profit and move it above Sales.

    The visualization automatically updates to make Profit the primary measure and changes the line chart to reflect Profit by Product Sub Category.

    Description of duped_vis.png follows
    Description of the illustration duped_vis.png

Change the Visualization Type

In this section, you change the visualization type and define a filter to use in the workbook.

  1. In the Profit, Sales by Product Sub Category visualization, click Change Visualization Type Change Visualization Type icon, select Horizontal Bar Horizontal bar icon.
  2. Click Menu Visualization menu icon in the Profit, Sales by Product Sub Category visualization, select Sort By, select Profit, and then select High to Low.
  3. In the Data Data pane icon pane, select Product Sub Category and drag it to the Filter bar.
  4. In the Filter dialog, click Top Bottom N. In the By row, click Select Measure, click Profit and then click outside of the dialog.
    Description of completed_vizs.png follows
    Description of the illustration completed_vizs.png
  5. Click Save Save icon.

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