Before you Begin

This tutorial shows you how to create a list filter from a double column type data element, and create and bind a parameter to the list filter in an Oracle Analytics subject area.


A double column type data element uses two columns. One column represents the data descriptor value and is displayed to the end user. The second column represents an identifier of the data descriptor and isn't displayed to the end user. The table shows as a double column data element example using vehicle type key IDs (values) and descriptors.

Descriptor Identifier (Vehicle Key Code/Value) Data Descriptor (Vehicle Display Name)
101 All-terrain
201 4 door sedan
301 2 door coupe
401 Wagon
501 Truck

When Oracle Analytics processes a double column type data element as part of a query or as part of a filter, it generates and issues SQL statements to the server using the code values rather than display values. The descriptor column and the identifier column might not use the same data type.

You might not know which data elements are defined as the double column data type in your subject area. Oracle Analytics detects the data element's definition as a double column type and sets the values needed to bind a double column type data element list filter to a parameter.

You perform the same steps to create a parameter from a double column type data element as you would for other columns in the dataset.

What Do You Need?

  • Access to Oracle Analytics
  • Access to a subject area as a content author

Create a Workbook from a Subject Area

In this section, you select a subject area to create a workbook. This tutorial uses the A - Sample Sales subject area as an example.

  1. Sign in to Oracle Analytics.
  2. On the Home page, click Data, hover over the subject area, click Actions Actions icon, and then select Create Workbook.
  3. In the Data Data pane icon pane, select and drag a double column to the Visualize canvas.

    This example uses the P10 Product data element. Oracle Analytics automatically creates a table visualization.

    Description of product_table.png follows
    Description of the illustration product_table.png
  4. Click Save Save icon. In Save Dataset As, enter a Name and click Save.

Create and Bind a Parameter to a Double Column List Filter

In this section, you create a list filter with the double column data type data element, and create and bind a parameter.

  1. In the Data Data pane icon pane, select and drag the double column to the Filter bar.

    The list filter dialog shows the display names in the P10 Product column. The product key identifier values aren't displayed.

    Description of product_list_filter.png follows
    Description of the illustration product_list_filter.png
  2. In the list filter, select some values to use in the filter.

    In this example, six products are selected from the list of available values.

    Description of list_filter_values.png follows
    Description of the illustration list_filter_values.png
  3. Click Bind to Parameter Bind to Parameter icon and select Create Parameter. Click outside of the list filter dialog to close it.
  4. Click Parameters icon.

    Oracle Analytics adds the parameter to the Parameters list.

    Description of double_col_param.png follows
    Description of the illustration double_col_param.png
  5. Right-click the parameter created by binding to the list filter, select Edit Parameter to see the parameter definition.

    Oracle Analytics sets the data type to that of the double column's ID value, sets Available Values to Column and the Column Name, and sets the Initial Value to the values selected in the list filter.

    Description of product_param.png follows
    Description of the illustration product_param.png

Identify a Double Column Data Element

In this section, you create a calculation to reveal the hidden identifier key values for the double column type data element. You can use this approach when you aren't sure if the data element is a double column type.

If the data element isn't a double column, the expression editor provides a validate error message:

The logical column referenced by DESCRIPTOR_IDOF doesn't specify a Descriptor ID column.

  1. In the Data Data pane icon pane, right-click My Calculations and select Create Calculation.
  2. In New Calculation, enter a Name. In the expression field, enter
    DESCRIPTOR_IDOF (column name)

    Your expression should look similar to DESCRIPTOR_IDOF (P10 Product). Your double columns probably aren't labeled as in this demo subject area.

    Description of product_key_exp.png follows
    Description of the illustration product_key_exp.png
  3. Click Validate and click Save.
  4. Drag the key calculation element to the table to see the values.

    Description of product_n_key.png follows
    Description of the illustration product_n_key.png

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