Before you Begin

This tutorial shows you how to create a filter exclusion list, bind the filter to a parameter, and create an exclude parameter that you can use to pass values to another canvas.


In Oracle Analytics, after you create the exclude parameter, you can bind it to other filters in the workbook to pass excluded data values between filters.

The exclude parameter uses an Integer data type that contains Boolean values. Oracle Analytics appends the filtered column's name to the parameter name. For example in this tutorial, you create an exclusion list filter using the Customer Segment column creating Excludes Mode Customer Segment as the parameter name.

What Do You Need?

Create a Dataset

In this section, you add the sample_order_lines2023.xlsx file to Oracle Analytics to create a dataset.

  1. Sign in to Oracle Analytics.
  2. On the Home page, click Create, and then click Dataset.
  3. In Create Dataset, click Drop data file here or click to browse, select the sample_order_lines2023.xlsx file, and then click Open.
  4. In Create Dataset Table from sample_order_lines2023.xlsx, click OK. Click Save Save icon.
  5. In Save Dataset As, enter sample_order_lines2023, and then click OK.
    Description of sample_order_lines_ds.png follows
    Description of the illustration sample_order_lines_ds.png

Create a Workbook

In this section, you create a workbook, create a calculation to use as a data element, and add a simple table visualization.

  1. Click Create Workbook. In the workbook, click Close Close Auto Insights icon to close the Auto Insights panel.
  2. Right-click My Calculations and click Create Calculation.
  3. In New Calculation, enter Number of Customers in Name. In the expression field, enter Cou and click the Count expression.
  4. Click column between the expression parentheses, select Customer ID, click Validate, and then click Save.
  5. In the Data Data pane icon pane, hold down the Ctrl key, select Customer Segment and Number of Customers.
  6. Right-click, select Pick Visualization and then click Table Table visualization icon.

    The Number of Customers calculation uses Customer ID rather than Customer Name to ensure that the count uses only unique instances of customer. In production datasets, multiple customers could have the same first and last name.

    Description of custseg_num_customers_canvas1.png follows
    Description of the illustration custseg_num_customers_canvas1.png

Add a Dashboard Filter Control

In this section, you add a dashboard control and bind a filter to a parameter.

  1. Click Visualizations visualization pane icon. Scroll to the Dashboard Controls section and drag Dashboard Filters to the canvas above the Customer Segment, Number of Customers visualization.

    Description of dashboard_filter_control.png follows
    Description of the illustration dashboard_filter_control.png
  2. Click the Data Data pane icon.
  3. In the Data pane, select Customer Segment and drag it to the Dashboard Filter control.
  4. Click All in the Customer Segment filter. In the Filter dialog, select Consumer and Corporate. Click Bind to Parameter Bind to Parameter icon and select Create Parameter.

    Description of cust_seg_parameter.png follows
    Description of the illustration cust_seg_parameter.png
  5. Click the Parameters Parameters pane icon pane.

    Oracle Analytics adds the parameter created in the Filter dialog to the Parameters pane.

    Description of cust_seg_param.png follows
    Description of the illustration cust_seg_param.png
  6. Click Save Save icon. In Save Workbook, enter a Name and then click Save.

Create an Exclusion List Filter and Parameter

In this section, you create a second workbook canvas to act as the target for passing the exclusion list values and create an exclusion list parameter.

  1. Click Canvas 1 menu Canvas menu icon and select Duplicate Canvas.
  2. Click Canvas 1 Copy menu Canvas menu icon, select Rename, enter Canvas 2, and click the check canvas menu rename check icon. Click Save Save icon.
  3. Click Canvas 1.
  4. In the Dashboard Filter control, click the Customer Segment list to open the Filter dialog.
  5. Click Exclude to create an exclusion list of the Customer Segment selections. Click Bind to Parameter Bind to parameter icon next to Exclude and select Create Parameter.

    Oracle Analytics updates the table visualization to use Home Office and Small Business and excludes the number of customers in the Consumer and Corporate customer segment.

    Description of exclude_param.png follows
    Description of the illustration exclude_param.png
  6. Click Canvas 2. Click the Customer Segment list in the Dashboard Filter control. Click Exclude, click Bind to Parameter Bind to parameter icon, and then select Excludes Mode Customer Segment. Click outside the dialog.

    Oracle Analytics passes the exclusion list to Canvas 2 and updates the table visualization to use the Home Office and Small Business.

    Description of canvas_2_exclude.png follows
    Description of the illustration canvas_2_exclude.png
  7. Click Save Save icon.
  8. Click Preview Preview icon. Select Home Office from the Customer Segment filter to see how the table visualization is updated. Click Canvas 2 to see the value changes from the first canvas.

    Description of exclude_preview.png follows
    Description of the illustration exclude_preview.png

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