What is a plan?

Plans are used to group and entitle access for client applications to a set of APIs, enforcing some quality of service or access control criteria.

A plan can allow access to one or multiple APIs. You can also create multiple plans that have access to the same API.

There are three basic use cases for plans:
  • Monetization — Levels of cost. For example, you create gold, silver, and bronze plans. The gold plan, at a higher cost, has unlimited access to the API. The silver plan, at a lower cost, has a rate limit, while the bronze level, at the lowest cost, has a smaller . For example, you create a real estate API which can be accessed through bronze, silver, and gold plans. At the bronze level, you can only view 10 listings a day. At the silver level, you can view 50 listings a day. At the gold level, you can view unlimited listings.

  • Corporate — Different bundles of APIs. For example, one plan gives employees access to all health care APIs, while another plan gives employees access to an API that lists the company’s products.

  • Access control — Levels of access. For example, one plan gives internal developers full access to APIs. Another plan gives partners special access to beta APIs for testing. A third plan gives the public limited access to active APIs only.

You can also combine these use cases. In the corporate example, you could have bundles of health care APIs at gold, silver, and bronze cost levels.