Get details for an application



Returns details about the {applicationId} application.

All authenticated users can request this resource. Only details for applications that the user is issued the Manage Application or View All Details application grant for are returned.


Path Parameters
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

JSON structure with details for the application.
Body ()
Application resource representation.
Root Schema : PortalApplication
Type: object
Application resource representation.
Show Source
Nested Schema : plans
Type: array
The application's plans.
Show Source
Nested Schema : types
Type: array
The application's types.
Show Source
Nested Schema : PlanForApplication
Type: object
Application-specific plan resource representation.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Constraints
Type: object
Plan subscription constraints.
Show Source
Nested Schema : entitlements
Type: array
List of APIs the application registers to.
Show Source
Nested Schema : PublicationSettings
Type: object
Publication settings for the given plan.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Rate
Type: object
Rate for plan subscription constraints.
Show Source
Nested Schema : invocations
Type: array
Invocation constraint parameters list.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Invocation
Type: object
Plan constraint - invocation parameters.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Entitlement
Match All
Show Source
Nested Schema : EntitlementId
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : EntitlementDef
Type: object
Nested Schema : Entitlement-allOf[2]
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : Entitlement-allOf[3]
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : EntitlementState
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : Entitlement-allOf[5]
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : EntitlementMetadata
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : Api
Match All
Show Source
Nested Schema : ApiId
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : ApiIdentity
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : ApiMetadata
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : ApiState
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : Api-allOf[4]
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : ApiIterationId
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : ApiDetails
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : ApiImpl
Type: object
Nested Schema : ApiArtifacts
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : ApiPublication
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : documentation
Type: object
Describes the API's documenation resource
Show Source
  • The path to the documentation resource, if attached as a file, the URL of the resource, if added as a link, or the overview text itself, if entered as text.
  • The method used to attach documentation to the API. Valid values are link, file, and text. The value is link if Apiary documentation is added.
  • The documentation type of the documentation resource. Valid values are markdown, html, and apiary.
Nested Schema : overview
Type: object
Describes the API's overview text resource.
Show Source
  • The name of the resource, if attached as a file, the URL of the resource, if added as a link, or the overview text itself, if entered as text.
  • The method used to attach overview text to the API. Valid values are link, file, and text.
  • The documentation type of the overview text resource. Valid values are markdown and html.
Nested Schema : artifacts
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : Plan
Type: object
Nested Schema : EntitlementPublication
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : ConstraintSettings
Type: object
Plan publication setting's constraint display options.
Show Source
Nested Schema : DescriptionSettings
Type: object
Plan publication setting's description display options.
Show Source
Nested Schema : IconSettings
Type: object
Plan publication setting's plan icon options.
Show Source
Nested Schema : RateSettings
Type: object
Plan publication setting's invocation rate display options flag.
Show Source
Nested Schema : InvocationSettings
Type: object
Plan invocation's display options.
Show Source

400 Response

Bad request: indicates a problem with the input parameters.

401 Response

Authentication required.

404 Response

Application not found.

500 Response

Server error.
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The following example shows how to retrieve details about the {applicationId} application submitting a GET request on the REST resource using cURL. For more information about cURL, see Use cURL.

curl -i -X GET 
-u apicsadmin:password{id}

{id} is the unique ID for an application. To retrieve available applications, see Get applications.

Example of Response Headers

The following shows an example of the response headers.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Oracle Traffic Director
Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2017 05:19:46 GMT
Content-type: application/json
X-oracle-dms-ecid: 6^3rv0_eR00000000
X-oracle-dms-rid: 0:1

Example of Response Body

The following example shows the contents of the response body in JSON format, including details about the application and HATEOAS links to related operations.

    "contactCompany": "oracle",
    "lastUpdatedBy": "admin",
    "types": [],
    "contactEmail": "",
    "lastUpdatedAt": "2017-12-20T23:09:39-0800",
    "contactFirstName": "John",
    "applicationKey": "25f1f87a-4c9c-4609-b158-4fd81f4f5a26",
    "description": "Application for Temperature",
    "contactLdapName": "",
    "createdAt": "2017-12-20T22:30:24-0800",
    "createdBy": "admin",
    "plans": [],
    "name": "Temperature",
    "contactLastName": "Fernandaz",
    "links": [
            "method": "GET",
            "templated": "true",
            "rel": "canonical",
            "href": ""
            "method": "GET",
            "templated": "true",
            "rel": "analytics",
            "href": ""
            "method": "PUT",
            "templated": "true",
            "rel": "edit",
            "href": ""
            "method": "DELETE",
            "templated": "true",
            "rel": "delete",
            "href": ""
            "method": "GET",
            "templated": "true",
            "rel": "manage",
            "href": ""
            "method": "PUT",
            "templated": "true",
            "rel": "reissuekey",
            "href": ""
            "method": "POST",
            "templated": "true",
            "rel": "register",
            "href": ""
            "method": "DELETE",
            "templated": "true",
            "rel": "unregister",
            "href": ""
    "id": 110,
    "contactPhone": "8765432"
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