Get configuration



Returns the current custom Developer Portal configuration settings as JSON. Returns a 404 if no custom configuration exists.

This is a public resource; it does not require authentication and can be accessed by any user.


Query Parameters
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

JSON configuration structure.
Body ()
Developer Portal configuration.
Root Schema : config
Type: object
Developer Portal configuration.
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Nested Schema : _remove_
Type: array
Specifies entries to be removed from the default configuration. The entries must specify the path to the JSON property to be removed from the root down to the actual property. Separate property names with slashes.
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Nested Schema : branding
Type: object
Company and product names, logos, copyright, etc.
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Nested Schema : css
Type: object
Collection of CSS rules.
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Nested Schema : layout
Type: object
Developer Portal UI layout definitions.
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Nested Schema : modules
Type: object
Developer Portal module configuration.
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Nested Schema : services
Type: object
URLs of services used by the Developer Portal.
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Nested Schema : session
Type: object
Session management configuration.
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Nested Schema : branding_about
Type: object
About box branding configuration.
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Nested Schema : branding_login
Type: object
Login screen branding properties.
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Nested Schema : branding_login_background
Type: object
Branded login screen background image configuration.
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Nested Schema : branding_login_background_mobile
Type: object
Background image configuration for mobile devices.
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Nested Schema : css_properties
Type: object
Collection of CSS properties.
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  • This is a placeholder property that represents any CSS property. Any number of properties can be added to the collection. The property value must be a valid CSS value that corresponds the given property.
Nested Schema : layout_home
Type: object
Specifies the home module.
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Nested Schema : layout_navigation
Type: object
Controls how navigation works in the Developer Portal.
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Nested Schema : layout_panels
Type: object
Associates modules with elements (panels) in the page's HTML structure.
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Nested Schema : layout_panel
Type: object
Specifies an association between a module and an HTML element.
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  • The name of the module.

    The special value ${window.location.pathname} means that the panel specifies the main work area of the Developer Portal. The module the URL scheme of that matches the current URL will be loaded here.

  • A JQuery selector that specifies the element the module will be inserted into.
Nested Schema : modules_inventory
Type: object
The list of the modules configured in the system.
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Nested Schema : modules_redirect
Type: object
Collection of module redirection definitions.
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  • The module identified by the property name will be replaced by the module identified by the property value. Both names must exist in the module inventory. Any number of redirections can be specified.
Nested Schema : module
Type: object
The definition of a single Developer Portal module.
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  • module_data
    Module data configuration. The layout of this object depends upon the module. The properties defined here are named by the module and apply to the data object itself.
  • Optional URL that points to the context sensitive documentation of the module. If this is not specified, the URL is calculated from the root documentation URL using the page ID.
  • The domain identifies the functional area the module belongs to. This property is relevant only for modules that get loaded into the main work area of the application. The button that belongs to the matching functional area is highlighted in the navigation bar.
  • module_page_id
    The context identifier of a module.
  • The path the files of the module are loaded from. The path is relative to the base module path. For each module, there must be an .html, a .js and a .css file in the specified directory; the names of files must match the module's name.
  • The page title for the module. If this property is missing, the title defaults to the branded application title.
  • One or more URLs relative to the application's context root that are be associated with the module. The property can either be a single URL or an array of URLs if the module is associated with more than one URL. The URL can reference path or query parameters between curly braces.
Nested Schema : module_data
Type: object
Module data configuration. The layout of this object depends upon the module. The properties defined here are named by the module and apply to the data object itself.
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Nested Schema : module_page_id
Type: object
The context identifier of a module.
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Nested Schema : module_data_api_details
Type: object
Data for the api.details module.
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  • apiary_theme
    Apiary theme properties. A complex object that specifies the theme properties to be used for embedded Apiary documentation. The theme properties structure is documented here:
Nested Schema : module_data_application_analytics
Type: object
Module data for the application analytics module.
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Nested Schema : apiary_theme
Type: object
Apiary theme properties. A complex object that specifies the theme properties to be used for embedded Apiary documentation. The theme properties structure is documented here:
Nested Schema : analytics_ranges
Type: object
Analytics time range definitions.
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Nested Schema : analytics_range_group
Type: object
A group of analytics ranges.
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Nested Schema : analytics_range
Type: object
An analytics time range definition.
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Nested Schema : analytics_range_granularity
Type: object
Defines the length of the time buckets analytics data is aggregated in.
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  • The length of the aggregation time buckets.

    Valid values depend on the time bucket unit:

    minute: 1, 5, 10, 15, 30

    hour: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12

    day: 1

    week: 1

    month: 1

    year: 1

  • The unit of the aggregation time buckets.

    Valid values: minute, hour, day, week, month, year

Nested Schema : analytics_range_interval
Type: object
Defines the time interval for the range.
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Nested Schema : module_page_id_deep
Type: object
Collection of page IDs of subpanels or tabs.
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404 Response

No configuration found.
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The following example shows how to retrieve the custom Oracle API Platform Cloud Service - Classic Developer Portal configuration file by submitting a GET request on the REST resource using cURL. For more information about cURL, see Use cURL

curl -i -X GET

Example of Response Headers

The following shows an example of the response headers.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Fri, 05 Jan 2018 05:38:18 GMT
Content-type: application/json
Content-length: 314
X-oracle-dms-ecid: fd4f7481-e810-498f-9ef3-3cc199fcc455-0006eb27
X-oracle-dms-rid: 0:1

Example of Response Body

The following example shows the contents of the response body in JSON format, including the current Developer Portal configuration.

    "branding": {
        "product": "${i18n.branding.product}",
        "product_short": "${i18n.branding.product_short}",
        "vendor": "${i18n.branding.vendor}",
        "logo": {
            "width": "auto",
            "alignment": "baseline",
            "url": "",
            "height": "17px"
        "title": "${i18n.branding.title}"
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