Get all policies



Returns a collection of all policies.

Users requesting this resource must be assigned the Administrator role.


Supported Media Types
Query Parameters
  • Collection Format: csv
    Pass optional fields, separated by commas, in this parameter to return them in the response. See the operation's description for a list of field values.
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

The collection of policies.
Body ()
Root Schema : PolicyCollectionResponse
Match All
Show Source
Nested Schema : PolicyCollectionResponse-allOf[0]
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : CollectionResponseFeature
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : LinksResponseFeature
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: array
A collection of policies.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Policy
Type: object
Show Source

403 Response

Body ()
Root Schema : Error
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : errorDetails
Type: array
additional errors
Show Source

500 Response

Unexpected error.
Body ()
Root Schema : Error
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : errorDetails
Type: array
additional errors
Show Source
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The following example shows how to retrieve details about all policies by submitting a GET request on the REST resource using cURL. For more information about cURL, see Use cURL

curl -i -X GET 
-u apicsadmin:password

Example of Response Headers

The following shows an example of the response headers.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Oracle-Traffic-Director/
Date: Thu, 05 Jan 2017 18:32:20 GMT
Content-type: application/json
X-oracle-dms-ecid: UShgJ1E3000000000
X-oracle-dms-rid: 0:1
Via: 1.1 otd_opc
Proxy-agent: Oracle-Traffic-Director/
Transfer-encoding: chunked

Example of Response Body

The following example shows the contents of the response body in JSON format, including details about each policy and HATEOAS links to related operations.

  "count": 24,
  "links": [
      "method": "GET",
      "rel": "self",
      "href": ""
      "method": "GET",
      "rel": "canonical",
      "href": ""
  "items": [
      "createdAt": "2017-01-05T02:46:30+0000",
      "updatedBy": "anonymous",
      "createdBy": "anonymous",
      "name": "Header Validation",
      "description": "Validates the presence and values of http headers. Can be used for security or to reduce the occurrence of failures/errors at the service layer",
      "type": "o:HeaderValidation",
      "version": "1.0",
      "revision": 1,
      "updatedAt": "2017-01-05T02:46:30+0000"
      "createdAt": "2017-01-05T02:46:30+0000",
      "updatedBy": "anonymous",
      "createdBy": "anonymous",
      "name": "Service Response",
      "description": "Response from the service",
      "type": "o:ServiceResponse",
      "version": "1.0",
      "revision": 1,
      "updatedAt": "2017-01-05T02:46:30+0000"
      "createdAt": "2017-01-05T02:46:30+0000",
      "updatedBy": "anonymous",
      "createdBy": "anonymous",
      "name": "Redaction",
      "description": "Manages the fields and headers in the request or response payload. You can either explicitly include, or exclude, the headers and fields sent to the backend service (from the request flow) or sent to the client (from the response flow).",
      "type": "o:FieldRedaction",
      "version": "1.0",
      "revision": 1,
      "updatedAt": "2017-01-05T02:46:30+0000"
      "createdAt": "2017-01-05T02:46:30+0000",
      "updatedBy": "anonymous",
      "createdBy": "anonymous",
      "name": "OAuth 2.0",
      "description": "Enforces using the OAuth 2.0 protocol, that access to this API is only available to request on behalf of one of the listed accounts below.",
      "type": "o:OAuth",
      "version": "1.0",
      "revision": 1,
      "updatedAt": "2017-01-05T02:46:30+0000"
      "createdAt": "2017-01-05T02:46:31+0000",
      "updatedBy": "anonymous",
      "createdBy": "anonymous",
      "name": "API Request",
      "description": "This is the relative URI at which the gateway will receive requests for the API. The Gateway IP address, and API Endpoint URI will constitute the full URL for the API.",
      "type": "o:ApiRequest",
      "version": "1.0",
      "revision": 1,
      "updatedAt": "2017-01-05T02:46:31+0000"
      "createdAt": "2017-01-05T02:46:31+0000",
      "updatedBy": "anonymous",
      "createdBy": "anonymous",
      "name": "Application Rate Limiting",
      "description": "Enforces a limit on the total number of requests to this API per application. Rejects any requests above the defined limit. NOTE: this is different than API rate limiting",
      "type": "o:ApplicationRateLimiting",
      "version": "1.0",
      "revision": 1,
      "updatedAt": "2017-01-05T02:46:31+0000"
      "createdAt": "2017-01-05T02:46:31+0000",
      "updatedBy": "anonymous",
      "createdBy": "anonymous",
      "name": "Service Request",
      "description": "Specify the backend service URL",
      "type": "o:ServiceRequest",
      "version": "1.0",
      "revision": 1,
      "updatedAt": "2017-01-05T02:46:31+0000"
      "createdAt": "2017-01-05T02:46:31+0000",
      "updatedBy": "anonymous",
      "createdBy": "anonymous",
      "name": "Logging",
      "description": "Writes a message to the log.",
      "type": "o:Logging",
      "version": "1.0",
      "revision": 1,
      "updatedAt": "2017-01-05T02:46:31+0000"
      "createdAt": "2017-01-05T02:46:31+0000",
      "updatedBy": "anonymous",
      "createdBy": "anonymous",
      "name": "Application Based Routing",
      "description": "The request will be routed based on the application.",
      "type": "o:ApplicationBasedRouting",
      "version": "1.0",
      "revision": 1,
      "updatedAt": "2017-01-05T02:46:31+0000"
      "createdAt": "2017-01-05T02:46:31+0000",
      "updatedBy": "anonymous",
      "createdBy": "anonymous",
      "name": "Groovy Script",
      "description": "Executes Groovy script",
      "type": "o:GroovyScript",
      "version": "1.0",
      "revision": 1,
      "updatedAt": "2017-01-05T02:46:31+0000"
      "createdAt": "2017-01-05T02:46:31+0000",
      "updatedBy": "anonymous",
      "createdBy": "anonymous",
      "name": "API Response",
      "description": "Response from the API",
      "type": "o:ApiResponse",
      "version": "1.0",
      "revision": 1,
      "updatedAt": "2017-01-05T02:46:31+0000"
      "createdAt": "2017-01-05T02:46:32+0000",
      "updatedBy": "anonymous",
      "createdBy": "anonymous",
      "name": "Service Level Auth",
      "description": "Enforces using the Service Level Auth protocol, that access to this API is only available to request on behalf of one of the listed accounts below.",
      "type": "o:ServiceAuth",
      "version": "1.0",
      "revision": 1,
      "updatedAt": "2017-01-05T02:46:32+0000"
      "createdAt": "2017-01-05T02:46:32+0000",
      "updatedBy": "anonymous",
      "createdBy": "anonymous",
      "name": "Interface Filtering",
      "description": "Evaluates the application generating the API request.",
      "type": "o:InterfaceFiltering",
      "version": "1.0",
      "revision": 1,
      "updatedAt": "2017-01-05T02:46:32+0000"
      "createdAt": "2017-01-05T02:46:32+0000",
      "updatedBy": "anonymous",
      "createdBy": "anonymous",
      "name": "Resource Based Routing",
      "description": "The request will be routed based on the resource path. Can be used for security or to reduce the occurrence of failures/errors at the service layer",
      "type": "o:ResourceBasedRouting",
      "version": "1.0",
      "revision": 1,
      "updatedAt": "2017-01-05T02:46:32+0000"
      "createdAt": "2017-01-05T02:46:32+0000",
      "updatedBy": "anonymous",
      "createdBy": "anonymous",
      "name": "IP Filter Validation",
      "description": "Validates the IP address of the requester. Based on the value of IP the  address, determine whether to pass or reject value.",
      "type": "o:IPFilterValidation",
      "version": "1.0",
      "revision": 1,
      "updatedAt": "2017-01-05T02:46:32+0000"
      "createdAt": "2017-01-05T02:46:33+0000",
      "updatedBy": "anonymous",
      "createdBy": "anonymous",
      "name": "Key Validation",
      "description": "Enforces that a valid key is provided in the request. The key must be valid and the application must be in the \"Registered\" state for this API.",
      "type": "o:KeyValidation",
      "version": "1.0",
      "revision": 1,
      "updatedAt": "2017-01-05T02:46:33+0000"
      "createdAt": "2017-01-05T02:46:33+0000",
      "updatedBy": "anonymous",
      "createdBy": "anonymous",
      "name": "API Rate Limiting",
      "description": "Enforces a limit on the total number of requests to this API. Rejects any requests above the defined limit. NOTE: this is different than the application-based rate limiting.",
      "type": "o:apiRateLimiting",
      "version": "1.0",
      "revision": 1,
      "updatedAt": "2017-01-05T02:46:33+0000"
      "createdAt": "2017-01-05T02:46:33+0000",
      "updatedBy": "anonymous",
      "createdBy": "anonymous",
      "name": "Service Callout",
      "description": "Invokes the configured external service with or without payload, with the provided headers and process the incoming request on the basis of response HTTP Status Code from the external service.",
      "type": "o:ServiceCallout",
      "version": "1.0",
      "revision": 1,
      "updatedAt": "2017-01-05T02:46:33+0000"
      "createdAt": "2017-01-05T02:46:33+0000",
      "updatedBy": "anonymous",
      "createdBy": "anonymous",
      "name": "CORS",
      "description": "Controls which domains are allowed to invoke this API.",
      "type": "o:CORS",
      "version": "1.0",
      "revision": 1,
      "updatedAt": "2017-01-05T02:46:33+0000"
      "createdAt": "2017-01-05T02:46:34+0000",
      "updatedBy": "anonymous",
      "createdBy": "anonymous",
      "name": "Header Based Routing",
      "description": "The request will be routed based on the header. Can be used for security or to reduce the occurrence of failures/errors at the service layer",
      "type": "o:HeaderBasedRouting",
      "version": "1.0",
      "revision": 1,
      "updatedAt": "2017-01-05T02:46:34+0000"
      "createdAt": "2017-01-05T02:46:34+0000",
      "updatedBy": "anonymous",
      "createdBy": "anonymous",
      "name": "Basic Auth",
      "description": "Enforces using the Basic Auth protocol, that access to this API is only available to request on behalf of one of the listed accounts below.",
      "type": "o:BasicAuth",
      "version": "1.0",
      "revision": 1,
      "updatedAt": "2017-01-05T02:46:34+0000"
      "createdAt": "2017-01-05T02:46:34+0000",
      "updatedBy": "anonymous",
      "createdBy": "anonymous",
      "name": "Gateway Based Routing",
      "description": "The request will be routed based on the gateway.",
      "type": "o:GatewayBasedRouting",
      "version": "1.0",
      "revision": 1,
      "updatedAt": "2017-01-05T02:46:34+0000"
      "createdAt": "2017-01-05T02:46:34+0000",
      "updatedBy": "anonymous",
      "createdBy": "anonymous",
      "name": "Method Mapping",
      "description": "Routes to backend service based on method",
      "type": "o:MethodMapping",
      "version": "1.0",
      "revision": 1,
      "updatedAt": "2017-01-05T02:46:34+0000"
      "createdAt": "2017-01-05T02:46:34+0000",
      "updatedBy": "anonymous",
      "createdBy": "anonymous",
      "name": "API Throttling - Delay",
      "description": "Enforces a limit on the number of requests to this API before introducing additional latency. NOTE: this policy differs from the Application Rate Limiting or API Rate Limiting policies.",
      "type": "o:ApiThrottlingDelay",
      "version": "1.0",
      "revision": 1,
      "updatedAt": "2017-01-05T02:46:34+0000"
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