Add Groups with the Infrastructure Console

After you have created users for Oracle API Platform Cloud Service you can add users to groups to make it easier to assign roles.

Only a user with the Identity Domain Administrator role or the User Administrator role through delegated administration can create groups. When Oracle API Platform Cloud Service is provisioned, the Identity Domain Administrator account is created.

To add a group, you enter a name and description for the group. The group name must be between 1 and 100 characters.

  1. Sign in to the Infrastructure Console using the credentials provided by your Oracle Cloud account administrator.
  2. From the Infrastructure Console, click the navigation menu Navigation menu icon, select Identity, and then select Federation.
  3. On the Federation page, click the name of the identity provider.
  4. Click Create IDCS Group.
  5. On the Create IDCS User dialog, enter a NAMEand DESCRIPTION. You can optionally assign one or more users to the group.
  6. Click Create.
  7. To have the user log in to Oracle API Platform Cloud Service with their email address:
    1. Leave the Use the email address as the user name check box selected.
    2. In the User Name / Email field, enter the email address for the user account.
  8. To have the user log in to Oracle API Platform Cloud Service with their user name:
    1. Clear the Use the email address as the user name check box.
    2. In the User Name field, enter the user name that the user is to use to log in to the Identity Cloud Service console.
    3. In the Email field, enter the email address for the user account.